Bedroom Conversations
"paul... why don't you tell casey about your dog tag collection?" tanner interjected. the dalmatian sat up straight immediately, "you have dog tags?" the human glanced past casey to tanner, who was just managing to hold in a laugh.
Among the Millers
"i might." the human replied, taking hold of tanner's paw and pulling the dog's arm around him.
Not All Sunshine and Belly Rubs
Paul's back lay against his chest, and yet he could still feel the human's heartbeat against his chest. the dog was tied with his lover, the human electing to take him inside his body that night.
Just Chillin' / Warming Up
The dog let out a soft mrrr, and licked back, tongue languidly washing across the human's lips. paul leaned forward against tanner, pressing one hand against his furred chest, but the dog did not let the human push him back.
Where Things Go From Here? / Breakfast and Bad Puns
"silly human." tanner chuckled back, and paul gasped as the dog's warm tongue slid across his left nipple. comeback forgotten, paul squirmed in tanner's grasp before the dog finally relented, and helped him take his shirt off the rest of the way.
It's So Easy
tanner noted, his laughter abating, "you're putting a lot of emphasis on the whole human-and-dog thing... and you know what?
His parents lived in a predominantly human neighborhood before tanner was born, and they picked up some of the more human cultural norms, such as naming a baby boy after his father.
All of the Words
"dogs don't wear rings. that's a human custom." the dog offered. "okay..." paul noted, avoiding adding an 'aaaaaaaand?' to it. "we say 'i love you'."
Something Old & Something New
Paul continued coaxing the orgasm out of his lover, extending it until the dog whined in bliss but, by then, the human realized that tanner had since stopped his own ministration of the human's shaft.
These Perfect Moments
I always knew you were a resilient human." tanner smiled, leaning forward until paul was laying backwards. the dog placed a paw on either side of the human's head and lay down atop him.
Second Proposal
It was a subtle jab at human/dog relationships back then... a reminder that dogs were dogs and humans were humans and if they couldn't have offspring then it was an 'act against god'.
Changing Fortunes
The human collapsed back against the bed, tanner laying atop him, supporting his weight above the human on his elbows and knees. the dog was panting happily, and paul half wondered if he was doing the same.