How the Sofurry Christmas Exploit Works

**the code** the code in the github [here]( or the graphical user interface version (private as still working out some bugs) [here]( sends a http



"basically, i write up the code using python, then i write up what i want the email to be and-" "hang on a minute." said john. "you write up the code using what?" "um... python," replied eric. "it's a programing language.

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"bout time you 2 showed up" code yelled

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chapter two the king

There is a code in this one and i don't know if it didn't it come through it says " i like your name to toma" toma was sitting on the cot that he found in an old run down castle that he found running from the cops.

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A Soldier's Memory

(this part is in fox code) "akani mesa, akani mesa. va'a ha aki no ma'hi anakani sierra. maki shi'i he'iona m'ik. ha'ih 721. mi'e 113. kio ah yak'i. hi'ka. kio ah yak'i." {translation) "akani mesa, akani mesa.

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Jay and Ren Chapter 1: Myna's license

I booted it up and got to work coding the game that i'd been hired to help design. i yawned as i worked coding in a few things and glanced at some of the cards i'd bought today.

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Green Club 01 (Seacrest Preview)

He leans forward and begins the origin story of the code green club...

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Cracking the Code

Time is running out... Just tonight at the strike of midnight, the staff of Ponyville Hospital forwarded the current condition of our dear friend to us. Just this evening, his physical integrity began to spiral downward at a frightening rate. At such...

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Code Fox

Faced with insurmountable odds, the fire chief radioed for their last resort backup, declaring a code fox. this wasn't a decision to be taken lightly.

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Cheat Code

I can think of a couple things you could do," sonic suggested, "and i have one cheat code you haven't tried yet." tails flicked his ears with interest. "i'm open to ideas...and what's this about a new cheat code? ooh...."

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Breaking the Code

Kayln blushed, "well i know that has to be against the jedi code somewhere". "probably, but there's a lot of times the jedi code can be... a rather confining thing. even the great masters recognize this.

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