SoFurry House Party 2013: An Outside Chance
This is going to be one hell of a party.
Stay for the Party: Season 3 Information
#1 of stay for the party (season 3) there will be a third season shortly after season 2's conclusion. stay tuned and follow the folder! i fully intend to have a third season made after season 2's conclusion.
Art? Maybe...
I have a shitload of projects... but college is almost ending \*pops confetti\* and talking about party stuff, i'm gonna make some naughty party themed drawings (blame it on katy perry's "birthday" xd) i/ll try and make both male and female versions so everyone
A Legendary Tail: Part One
Unlike other college students, he stayed away from frat parties with the intent of avoiding the wrong crowd.
Purple Valentines
parties responsible still at large." the reporter straightened out his scripts before rolling them up for later use. the third elaborated "stay tuned, mysterious arrival of delicious tuna appearing worldwide!
A Call from Thalia Balia, The Queen Oreamnos
A Call from Thalia Balia, The Queen Oreamnos My name is Thalia, and I rule with an iron hoof. I'm sure you are wondering what kind of flock we are composed of? Our elders often compare our species to snow nymphs. Winters grow cold,...
A Legendary Tail: Part Two
You must allow my party to enter as we bring vital news from the crow of crimson." "what's the password," the figure questioned. the reptilian man clearly had no clue so he took a wild guess.
Ember Tails side story - Firedog the First, end notes
It was clear which house was where the party was, and the two fire-types certainly got caught up in the festivities.
The party! [PARTY 16]
Luna woke up in the huge bed that Vermont owns feeling a bit chilly. He looked down and noticed that he was merely wearing a huge, black bathrobe. Before noticing his attire, the wolf couldn't help but notice how incredibly icy cold he suddenly felt....
Furry and Proud: Chapter 5
Everyone at the table had their party clothes on.
026 - Prime pt.09
Now they've arrived at the house party, they no longer recognised anyone outside of the monster all gathered in the balcony. venus had said they were on there way but...
The Blanket — 2
Both parties involved were now healing wounds of debt that the legal case had wrought over them and for a week during the battle it looked like ed was going to stay with chris.