Rules for ERBSF

First off, anyone can join this group and the more people that do so the better. If you want to battle someone, I only ask that you do the following: Ask around if someone wants to battle you, because you do need an opponent. Always do it in open...



Now i just sit here, trying to figure it out seizing all the info available so i won't doubt even for a second that we're in a world rife with evil too many sinister demons in this population of people **verse 3** this ain't sass smack, this ain't a rap

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Epic Rap Battles of SoFurry. No. 1 Doow Vs Rawcaw

:b rawcaw: i pity your condition for you have no ammunition, to fight in this rapping competition when you've such poor composition.

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Failure is Not an Option

Ipanted hard, my lungs wheezing as I ran down the court, my eyes fixated onprotecting our shooter. My name is Derek; I'm a varsity basketball player atCharleston high. And right now it's thefirst game of our season and was down by 3 points. Coach was...

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Fap Raps

Collected the three fap raps together in one place :d fap rap 1 i'm a femboy fox toy, real mccoy like helen of troy need a whore, not a bore?

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Back ground story on dusk (more of a quick list of major happenings in his life from yougest age to current)

Was seperated from his mother at the age of 5 soon after his father had died. Soon found out he had a twin sister named Luna. (Beautiful white and light gery arcanine with sparkling green eyes.) Spent a few years looking for her and finaly found...

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Wolf E. - chapter 4 [part a]

Yesterday, i got in trouble for writing a rap during class, and the teacher threw away the sheet it was on, so this girl goes and pulls it out of the trash to give it to me after class. and she liked it! she actually liked my rap!

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Wolf E. - Chapter 3

She's really nice, and she actually likes my rap," he said, adding under his breath, "unlike most jerks in this town." albert ignored his last comment.

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Wolf E. - Chapter 2

"it's umm... it's a rap, ma'am," he admitted, head still hung low. "rap." she said it as if it were a dirty word. "this is not the place nor the time for that, and i will not have any of that disrespectful garbage in my classroom!"

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Wolf E. - Prologue and Chapter 1

It's another one of your silly rap songs isn't it?" edward sighed and lowered his face. "yah, collin. it is... it's a rap." he tried to ignore albert's sneer.

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Life is pain (short rap)

Anyways a little poem/rap i came up with that sums up my struggles. enjoy. i've been there before. too many times to count. over and over i have counted myself out. one thing i've learned. in life if you want to be. got to try got to try.

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Talkin, but words aint formin stutterin over a breath that aint comin. Take a seat, mouth dry feeling like I woke up just after I died. Pause, wait a minute things are going real good, Yeah! I can feel it, somethin tellin me, I'm in a much...

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