#14 of poems this is a written cover of a wonderful song by lupe fiasco called around my way. the verses aren't precisely in line and those of you who don't have good rhythm would be better off simply reading it like a poem.
V=h7vfr9fl9d8&feature=youtu.be)the first symphony i will release, changed my life, is a cover of all the inspirations that got me to where i am today.
The Locker Room
#1 of the locker room cover for the story, locker room. a story about a guy who desires sex in the locker room with his buds.
Filler name for something Steamy ;3
He pins my head against the locker too, using his antlers in mine~. He knows he's the dominate male here. I hand over my lunch money happily and he untangles his antlers from mine and drops me to the ground; my hooves clop on the tiles floor of the...
Episode 3: The Nebulous Imperitive
She was seated at the operations station covering for lt.commander rivas, who was off duty due to an infection with the catarian flu. "let's hear it." "confederation starships, please reverse your course and leave the system immediately.
Kill la Kill: Alterations Part 1
A mere two-star goku uniform against her army of subjects and covers? he should never have gotten as far as he had managed, she was rather angry to admit.
Covering Fire
She gazed away, and saw the lion still taking cover in a shell hole. "dam it! keep your head down and get over here!"
To Judge The Cover
3) never judge a book from his cover. 4) we didn't pass through here before. 5) not by much. 6) it would be typical of ale! 7) avenue.
Cloud Cover
Small flowers covered the lush green hills as the sun moved across the skies. i felt the grass on my fur, and the breeze sending waves across the fields like water. i smiled and my tail wagged as i saw the beauty around me.
Judging By The Cover
So he chose the typical, black t-shirt and shorts, covering his rather muscular body with slightly a bit too much fat over it, but still, it was far from calling it a 'dad bod'.
Soft Cover
Delicious and exotic dishes covered every inch of its surface, filling the room with a myriad of appetizing scents. no one resisted its allure, but more importantly, no one tried.
Blown Cover
It wasn't only that this blew her cover, but that it blew it in such a hideously embarrassing way! as easily as she could come back from her many personal, professional, financial and sexual humiliations, it always stung in the moment.