Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 2
Looking past the vespiquen in front of him, chris saw an old alakazam sitting under a large tree, surrounded by a stream of water.
Righteous Venom
All three royals charge, the seviper aiming his toxic spray at the vespiquen, who flutters slightly upward to avoid it.
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 4
And he kept his focus behind him, looking at all of the villagers and pokemon waving him off, as alakazam, vespiquen, and lopunny held each others hands.
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 1
It looked like the eyes of the vespiquen and her combee's... chris shook his head and stood, turning on the lights and slowly pulling the blanket over his grandfathers face...
The Female Dex Chapter 2
The vespiquen, however, was struggling to understand what was going on.
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 3
The citizens and pokemon suddenly went into panic, chris shouting out and reaching out to kadabra to pull him away, but the lopunny and vespiquen got in the way, with the vespiquen summoning her combee to hold the others back.
Paradise of Coexistence Chapter 1
"by the way, whats wrong with the vespiquen, it looks like she hates me" sawk said innocently, he was fairly certain he didn't do anything wrong.
Defenders of Evodusai Part 16
When vespiquen nodded, i gave her a polite smile. "we're looking for a small crystal that's as dark as night and possesses an evil aura. could you have your children search for it for us?"
I got my chance when that vespiquen and several combees attacked. we had been seeking honey from a tree and unknowingly disturbed them. rather than forgive us, the vespiquen sought to punish us, though mainly you, you for being human.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Floaroma Town and Honey
It constantly gathers nectar from flowers to please vespiquen." this combee however, no longer gathered nectar to please vespiquen instead she gathered her nectar in order to please her new trainer, me.
M Blastoise x M Feraligatr
Feraligatr said as his eyes widened and ran away, he ran down the halls and weaved past different bug types as he was chased before bumping into the principal, a vespiquen. "halt!"
A Fated Reality-Finale!?!?!
Onto the field came aurora, flannery's torkoal, a meowstic and a vespiquen. all four of the newcomers glared daggers at each other. 'alright you party animals! begin!' the battle commenced, the four brawlers charging at each other... "hmmm..."