Red Moon: Wolves of Stalingrad Pt. 2

The russian, who had more training in hand to hand combat, got the upper hand and ended up on top, trying to push the knife into the chest of the desperately struggling german who used his luger to push the knife away.

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Susuka's Story (Brief)

Darryl had always been around for her, looking out for her safety, even training her in hand-to-hand combat. he was like an older brother to susuka, and was even made her personal guardian after she was born.

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DragonZ Chapter 16 --Act III--

Throughout the rest of the day, we taught them how to shoot, snipe, plant explosives, hand-to-hand combat, and run fast with their armor on.

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Max Myers and his TFS-109 Chapter..7

Third was kenjutsu which was simple sword skills and lastly there was taijutsu which was hand to hand combat. off course he learned some chakra control, like walking on the walls but he couldn't do the water walk yet.

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Yesterday was Rough

Round 1 - hand-to-hand combat rick was strong, i'll give him that, but dodging his wide strikes was all too easy. i dodged one right hook and gave him a sharp uppercut to the chin, he stumbled back and fell on his rump. "argh, you little tard.

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krystal's story, chapter 1

Along with attacks, we learned hand to hand combat. while we travel, i'll help you learn pokemon attacks, as well as hand to hand. lets go, and bring your gun, you'll need it."

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On the Moon Bridge

"yesterday was hand-to-hand combat training." "and the day before that?" "archery practice in the field. and horseback riding the day before that." "is combat all you think of anymore?" no, but he didn't want to share some of his other thoughts.

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(CH2) From Soldier's Rifle, To Dragon's Wing's (Book 1)

"he taught me hand to hand combat when i was first recruited." sorrel said as she turned toward me. "why did you bring me back here?" i asked, tilting my head slightly to the left. "two reasons." she said smiling.

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A Life in High School, Ch. 6

"now it's just good old hand-to-hand combat," i said, grinning malevolently.

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Still his men and women died in scores as they struggled to avoid hand-to-hand combat. with so little troops, they would be easily overrun if the _tratorius_ breeched their lines.

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Chapter 20 - Dead Men Tell No Tales! Decho's Plan and The Divine Revival Strategy! (Part 1)

Ruru fought against shyranrya, the two trading blows and punches while rizan and eura practiced hand to hand combat, something that eura was lacking still.

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