Spell Casting [PTRN][RWD]

His sumptuous limbs caked on muscle mass like it was drawn to them, giving him a bulky, top-heavy look that he actually kinda loved - kinda _really_ loved!

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Training [PTRN][RWD]

No other muscle on his arms could compete with the enormity that those horseshoes became. and speaking of his torso, that also exploded magnitudes larger than it did before.

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Behemoth Bets

The now two story coyote burst out of the building with an explosion of muscle. his prior bodybuilder frame began to give way to pure mass.

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Thunder's frame began to groan and slowly peak with pound after pound of muscle and size.

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The Strap

Its gifted...it will make you strong."_ "what do you mean gifted... how strong?" jake's curiosity was peaked. _"as strong as me...

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The Allure of Getting Big [PTRN][RWD]

His back grew mountainous as the peaks of each muscle group rose high above the valleys between them.

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Return to Form

And so he did, his entire body erupted into pure muscularity. muscles on muscles, all-encompassing entire mountains in size, continued to pile even more under his stretched up fur.

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Batter Up [PTRN][RWD]

Nathan couldn't believe that all this bulk was actually him, and yet every single muscle group that he caressed indicated as such.

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Party Pack

Fire ran through his muscles and his veins felt like they were pumping pure, molten _lead_ into his muscles. his shoulder became criss-crossed by thick, pulsating lines as the curved and valleys of his muscles grew more and more defines.

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Smile for the Webcam [PTRN][RWD]

Every flex of a muscle forced it to swell huger, his hunger for endless expansion unsated.

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Advancing the Prototype

Dense, muscular triceps accompany them as his forearms broaden with newly found muscle tone. cnbr tube-3... wait, it's a _c_nbr tube, not an nbr tube. what's the c stand for?

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Meet the Studs: Sabata, the Fox of Cinnamon Touch and Tongue

Touch is like a drug that kills the senses and whisks away your weight and the therapuetic prick of the claws he threads down your skin the syringe, allowing him to sweep you away into his private paradise of silken fur, intoxicating scent and hard, bulging muscle

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