Defenders of Evodusai Part 6

"H-h-how...Did you b-b-build all of this?" I stammered out in shock. Running a paw down a section of wall, I was simply amazed. The craftsmanship on these structures were absolutely stunning. "Well, when the humans all suddenly disappeared, they left...

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Defenders of Evodusai Part 5

The soft pattering of rain gently hitting the ground was soothing to the ear. Still clutching tightly onto my long lost friend, new found instincts told me to seek out shelter. Breaking off from Liru's embrace, I took her paw and led her towards one...

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Defenders of Evodusai Part 3

Picking the totodile up and shaking her, truce turned to me and grinned. nudging a shoulder at the burnt up tauros, he stated, "with firepower like that, you'll be perfect for the special attack division."

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Defenders of Evodusai Part 11

A dangerous aura was sensed from behind but before i could react to it, the totodile sped forward and playfully tackled me. we tumbled around on the ground together for about five seconds until she grabbed me by the shoulders and pinned me down.

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Seven Years Later Chapter 10

A sudden cough from behind made the totodile jump up in surprise as he turned to find hypno standing next to him.        

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Seven Years Later Chapter 8

Seven Years Later CH. 8: Proclamation          The early morning light arrived, and after a few hours formulating a plan, the group decided to split into two. With the guild in a state of emergency, Wigglytuff was forced to suck up his worries and...

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Seven Years Later Chapter 7

Taken aback by the sudden statement, the totodile could only stare back in silence. "what do you mean?", lucario asked from the sidelines. kutty rubbed most of the tears away from her eyes. "these feelings. these emotions. this life.

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Seven Years Later Chapter 5

The totodile mirrored the charmander's happiness while adding in his own feelings of eagerness. "did you sleep alright?", asked unshi. kutty nodded as a colorful avian swooped himself in to the conversation.

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Seven Years Later Chapter 6

Coming from behind, sandshrew patted the totodile's back before going over to growlithe. kneeling down, he spoke to his fallen friend with a hushed tone. "you're very lucky that they had that reviver seed with them."

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Immorality - Avaritia & Invidia

The totodile continued to attempt to imitate elice's voice as he did this before breaking down in laughter as the vulpix growled softly at him so as not to wake up jade. "fuck you jay!"

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DASH-X Part 1: Complete Season

The totodile just growled at him. "don't mind our guest, he seems all bark and no bite. can't blame him though, i'd be mad as hell too." he tried to give the totodile a reassuring pet, but he got his hand snapped at. "too soon i guess.

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SPECIAL: Fur Squared 2014 Wrap-Up

Silver: i bought a totodile, vaporeon, and fennekin button from you! sombra: you always could have bought more stuff from me. (sombra laughs) silver: ... aniro: was it colder than mff last year?

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