Courage Part 7: Assistance
Sroth couldn't touch himself. There was a cockring around the base of his shaft that kept him hard, it was vibrating enough to make him hump uncontrollably at the empty air at his belly but not enough to take him to orgasm, even though he needed a...
Courage Part 5: The Search
_Bzzzzz._ Sroth moaned with lust at the pleasant sensation of the vibrating cockring, its movements resonating through the plastic sheath that trapped his hard cock and transmitting the stimulation all up and down its length. Moaning again, he...
Courage Part 4: Open Show
Sroth gasped as the van hit a bump in the road, the floor knocking hard against his hindquarters, and moaned unhappily as the motion made him struggle to keep his balance. He peered closely at the anchors binding his paws to the floor, but of course...
Courage Part 2: Convincing
Sroth groaned softly to himself and hunched down in the windowless back of the van as it turned for the first time, so he could more easily keep his immobilized paws beneath him as inertia tugged him towards the wall to his right. What now? What was...
Courage Part 1: The First Step
Sroth was just an average dragon: strong, proud and independent, with deep green scales and two ivory horns jutting back from the crown of his head. He was not the largest of dragons, or the fastest, but he liked to think his combination of talents set...
Battle of the Sexes; Outcome X
"Mother fu-, hold, what, dammit!" The sound of plastic rang out, clicking and clacking and snapping with intense concentration. "Take that, yes, no, hey! Hold still, you lil'-" There was a jostling of shoulders before an electronic voice rang out:...
Two Weeks- 11 A New Life
Two Weeks 11 After the attack, Dr. Mertezi retreated back into the observation room, and made straight for the first aid kit he kept near the door for just such an occasion. This was not the first time he had been hurt by a...
Hey there, furballs, and welcome to the first story of Fae's Christmas Music-Themed Special, the 2010 edition! I've been hard at work, putting more music-inspired stories together for this year's Chrissie special, all for your...
Sweeter Than Honey
/sarcasm contains: slime, orgasm denial, mental sex, powerful orgasm, overstimulation, and minor mysteries. enjoy! hey, if you like what you're reading, please support me!
The Bargain
Telincus had been expecting to hear the tramp of boots coming up the hill to his lair for more than a week by the time they finally arrived. Considering how scandalized the local Earl and his hunting party had seemed when they came across him on...
He Who Plays With the Devil's Toys...
Just a really really really short thing i cooked up about a poor damned soul's punishment in the afterlife, an eternity of orgasm denial and ballbusting!
Amy - Chapter 6 [Incomplete]
_ **Edit: So, the whole second half of this totally disappeared?** Sorry y'all, I don't know what happened! I'm leaving this bit up for now in case anyone enjoys it as is...I'm kind of upset that several hours of work just disappeared, probably my...