Filibuster Issue #1 Rebel Son
Senator kennedy is smiling darkly at all this as he can use this incident to help fuel legislation against the costumed freaks his mafia buddies want him to make illegal.
Eventful Beginnings 16
"we are trying to get some legislation passed as well, to increase the penalties for abuse of our charges, plus to grant more rights. it is seeing a good deal of opposition, but we are moving ever closer to equality.
Star Wars - Aggressive Negotiations [ROTS-AU]
She smiled seductively, playing the part she had practiced over the years ever since she was a girl at the legislative youth program.
LS&DT | Chapter 3 - The Law of Guilt
"as we progress, we will immerse ourselves in the intricate web of constitutional law, focusing on the dynamic interplay between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of..."
A Folded Bird
The night, now prematurely born (in a fit of time-changing, legislated scorn), struggled to breathe. not yet weaned from the drug called 'warmth,' and that drug called 'day.' the drugs that simply couldn't stay.
The Gift: Introducing the Spirits, part 3 of 3
The height of her power was before the 1600s and, due to the legislation starting in 1584 that all but declared war against wolves in ireland, her strength has waned ever since.
A Visit to the Family - Part One (A Jeeves Prompt)
She wouldn't turn her sister away, but if patricia wanted to stay with her and her family for any length of time, she would need to accept that the rigid way her family had legislated liv's life and the indulgence of her _abilities_ was a thing of the past
It's An Epic Finale (Part 2)
They'll be able to see all the branches of the government: judicial, legislative, and executive, in that order. the supreme court is where major court cases are held. so, once teams get there, they'll find something that'll be helpful later on.
Dawn of Vengence - Ch 4 - Dusk is Just an Illusion
Rather than turn her over to us for investigation and trial you abused your authority under the legislation that covers foreign operations executive conduct.
Souple, Queen of the Galaxy
These days the politicians debated and legislated aboard that incredible space station.
No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation. if you are not of the legal age, you shouldn't view this story because you might lose your innocence.
No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation. if you are not of the legal age, you shouldn't view this story because you might lose your innocence.