Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Eighteen

"and that train has derailed, fallen into a cliff, exploded into a billion tiny pieces, and then a crazy hobo named angus the ostrich slayer used those pieces to make a hundred foot tall statue to honor his favorite butt cheek."

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Joining The Herd

The young angus's ass felt so sore after that hard ride his dad had given him earlier, and that only made him more sensitive to his friend's thrusts.

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Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure - Entry 65

[[http://disney.wikia.com/wiki/angus](http://disney.wikia.com/wiki/angus)] turning, she-hulk looked the fine draft horse stallion up and down, spending more time than was perhaps strictly necessary admiring the significant bulge in the front

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Like Father - 2021

"i'll have the canadian special, with angus beef." miles said, with a finger raised. then a second as he found a certain page. "poutine, extra large..." then a third finger. "...and a large milkshake."

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Journeymen: A Bond Formed

Marks family produced black angus cattle, they were one of only a few who did, certainly thelargest producer. it was a moderately successful operation, but it wasn't without its problems.

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Horsey gets Bullied

On this day, the farmer had put all the other animals out to mate, including his prized black angus bull, witch all ways managed to knock up more then a few of the cows, and his trusty stallion, who made sure that there were all ways a few foals running around

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Beatrice Santello Part 2 - #11

angus apparently knew one of them as a former co-worker at the video outpost ii, but they'd never been friendly. spring had begun to turn towards summer when a man walked into the pickaxe that bea recognized immediately.

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Dairyman2 Joe Thunderstick

(joe goes bi and finds himself falling for a huge black angus bull who wants joe more than anything and is willing to prove it!) (joe finds out he's bankrupt and the girls bail him out on the condition that he become there pet pony sex slave!)

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The Wish Chapter II

The ramifications of this would not normally warrant much concern, but my contact made mention of a bull angus by the name of chuck, along with an angus cow bearing the name of cindy were the first two shipped to that new farm.

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BROTHERS in the Flesh

The act of mating causes confirmation of a complete transition from male human to being a content bovine, in his case a red angus bull.

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Tina II chapter 16 Wet Pants- A Gray Muzzle story

angus macgregor.... the scotty bowed to tina, who was instantly drawn to the scrappy little terrier. he motioned her to the therapy couch. where tina sat nervously on the edge. "i hope you don't mind if i don't lay down" tina asked.

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Beatrice Santello (Ch 8) - Love

The excuse was lame, but seemed to suffice for angus and gregg at least, as she found the sanctuary of the bathroom for a few minutes after the song was over. she recomposed herself as best she could. her eye-shadow was a mess.

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