Pit inspection

"The time is 11:24. Inspector Kleet and Warden Stefan are preset. This details the inspection of a convict subjected to advanced solitary confinement. Male. No further details required. Reason not required. Term in cell, life. Term began 23 years ago....

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Bad End 1 - Rubber Cocoon

Mustering all of your strength you struggle and scream as loud as you can, but the goo has you encased tightly and your actions result in little more than impotent wiggling and muffled yells.

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How to Enter Dragon Heaven P5

Even though shawn's stomach was growling just as much as he had been in his dream, he knew that a day spent encased in rubber needed a good sloshing.

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How to Enter Dragon Heaven P4

When Monday rolled around for Shawn he woke up in his bed wondering if what he was feeling was a hangover, exhaustion, or both. Pyre had somehow managed to literally keep the party going the entire weekend, and at the end of it the whole thing was a...

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How to Enter Dragon Heaven P3

The days passed and the weekend ended, but with the purchase of his new suit Shawn's time in the club had not, though the work week had rolled around once more, along with the now-mundane activity of his day job. That didn't mean he left the suit...

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Gravitational Attraction

Homedog's Cinua (of FA) heavily bound and incarcerated in SPACE JAIL. Usually I include way more backfill, but this is pretty much 100% bondage smut. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Interested in a...

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How to Enter Dragon Heaven P1

Shawn's stomach had been in knots all day, sitting in the chair of his apartment while he watched the sun go down. He was like that ever since his two friends had called him at his workplace and told him that they had secured a weekend pass for him at...

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Character Selection Screen

Lina smirked to herself as she leaned back in her gaming chair, watching as her and her squad racked up an insane amount of points against the other team they were facing. It had gotten to the point where they were likely not even going to switch over...

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A Snake in the Hand

"Arbedark Greyfang?" a voice called out, which caused the red-and-black-furred folf to look up from the magazine that he had been reading and stepped forward to where the elephant receptionist was typing into her computer. "Your interviewer will be...

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Slime Study: Jelly Cube

**The following excerpts are from my recent study of slimes and related creatures. These come from field notes, journal entries, and other such writings** Three days have passed since I had entered the city of Anteronia, fabled for its...

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Returning the Favor (1/2)

Inside the body of the corrupted nanite creature serathin slowly started to get his senses back, though all he was at the moment was completely encased in rubber surrounded by darkness.

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Gifts for Graduation

Damakoes let out a small sigh as he looked at his dorm room, his private haven that he had for his last year of college. With a little luck he had managed to get his own room and had definitely used the space to spread out, the horned wolf looking...

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