When Beliefs Collide

It was honestly nice not having to worry much about the undead. It was getting colder, so I assumed that was keeping them at bay. Caleb told me that they were hanging around the cities, waiting to prey on unsuspecting victims. They didn't have the...

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It was early evening by the time we made our way back to camp. We'd spent longer than planned on top of the hill, but every moment was worth it. I had never allowed a man to get close, never allowed myself the intimacy that one could offer. But...

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I don't know why, but Caleb kept silent vigil outside my tent. I could see the shadow cast by his hulking wolf form, breathing deeply in sleep. His ears were twitching, so I knew he was still aware of his surroundings. I wished I was capable of sleep...

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Down Time

I was being hunted. I could feel eyes on me, watching my every movement. Every so often, I would pause, and I could hear shuffling coming from the forest around me. Twigs cracked and branches snapped, I made my way down to the creek. I knelt to take a...

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Time was meaningless when you were all but dead. Days, weeks, months could go by and one would never even realize it because you were swimming around in nothing but constant darkness. That's why when I woke up, my memory was the last to return. I...

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Taming the Werewolf - 2

The werewolf slept most of the month. When the full moon approached, it would begin to stir within Amanda. She would become more irritable at times. At other times, she would be downright aroused. Everything bothered and excited her all the time on the...

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Taming the Werewolf - 5

The dinner Jacob had planned for Amanda went exactly as he had hoped. They had cured her lycanthropy, or at least kept it at bay with modern medicine and common sense, letting her lead a normal life even during the full moon. No longer would they fear...

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The Sons Of Ares

The wolves just laughed in unison "listen, kid, we're lycanthropes, not rapists. the reason we asked is to see if you'd be interested. we're gonna turn you anyway, just wondering if we could get a new recruit!". i shot the speaker a look "well...

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The Blog of Spike Taylor - Part 2

I have to register myself as my own pet every year, because the number of lycanthropes is so low that special laws are a waste of taxpayer's time and money to implement. (i think it's also because the council wants extra money from me.)

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Blood & Carrots: Silverpaw - Episode 8

"the church has been using the war to purge local vampires and lycanthropes in the region. i just felt you should know." the angel gave me a shrug and casually turned from me. "why? why tell me this?"

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Blood & Carrots: Celestial - Episode 11

An entire pack of nearly thirty lycanthropes went mad near a rather large mundane settlement of a few thousand souls. contending to them wasn't an issue so much as trying to deal with so many without them slipping through.

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Chapter 5: The Queen

The wind was slow, but cold, chilling all of them to the bone as they stood waiting for the coming lycanthropic threat.

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