Cousin Sam
"and i'm sure you've picked up that stack of pizza boxes from five days ago." al's eyes flicked to the three-foot high stack of domino's. "i was getting to it."
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:13
She was seated on a similar, albeit somewhat smaller stack of phone books much like dawn had been the day before. dawn could see another stack of books in the chair right next to her, clearly intended for her.
Originally a commission-There is a reason for these things not being for beginners
Moving over to the stack, he allowed a finger to trace over the bindings coming to a stop on one that seemed to offer a certain energy that throbbed when touched forcing his hands to react instantly grasping it pulling it free from the rest of the stack
Defenders of Evodusai Part 11
His desk was stuck in a corner and on it were several stacks of folders. he motioned for me to sit down and i obeyed out of politeness. tossing a small stack of papers to me, haless looked at me and his demeanor changed drastically. "okay, serious time.
Work Affairs
Josh turned, but could only see the top of the door swing open slowly before swinging shut quickly over the large stacks of crates that blocked his view.
DDD Day 19 Plum's Ballbusting Training
I stacked up a few weights over there; just lay your grapes on top of them~" plum nodded, nervously sitting down in front of two stacked 50-pound, circular weights, made for a barbell, placing his large balls onto them.
Camping Canines
And that weight increased even further thanks to caleb eagerly stacking himself on the very top.
Daisy and Boss: 9 - Penny For Your Thoughts
Velvet and lilac being the youngest were given a stack of napkins each and daisy busied herself as well, stacking up about a dozen flowered water glasses and taking them in.
A Servant's Heart, Chapter 15
Chapter 15 sitting atop a stack of cargo containers in the hold, strong soul had a good view out the open hold doors.
Silent Threat - Kiori's back story
He held out the stack for her. "my name is kiori, i just got here." "no kidding," she said in an annoyed tone and adjusted her goggles. "and you are?" kiori prompted. "just leaving," she said and snatched the stack of pads from him.
The Half-Moon Tribe
Arch reached over the stacks of papers, pulling out a stack of letters infront of me. i saw the moon seal of wax closing the envelopes, and the arrow mark of apollo's caern in a corner. "apollo's caern is a week's travel away, two for a round trip.
The Half-Moon Tribe
Arch reached over the stacks of papers, pulling out a stack of letters infront of me. i saw the moon seal of wax closing the envelopes, and the arrow mark of apollo's caern in a corner. "apollo's caern is a week travel away, two for a round trip.