Northbound (2017)
"it's a challenge. i live up for the challenge." the doberman chuckled. "then let's get the job done right!
Malv's Pets: Olympics
When they moved onto the last challenge, the litter box, they were still neck and neck. zoe got there first, cage dripping with her pre and face flushing with humiliation.
Aniu; Day 4
It was around nine, thirty when I woke up and thank heavens it the weekend. If it was tomorrow let's just say my folks wouldn't be so understanding if I slept in. I crawled out of bed, stretched my arms, legs and lastly my wings. The next place I...
Iros; Day 3
The next morning I awoke still feeling rather uneasy from yesterday's events. So I crawled out of bed then calmly made my way over to the bathroom to take a shower. As I washed up the uneasiness I felt washed away with the dirt from my fur. While I was...
Iros; Day 2
Around six o'clock the next morning my alarm clock began blaring like the devil. So I sat up in bed, moved over to it then clicked it off from there I stretched and got dressed. Next I walked downstairs to make myself breakfast before getting my things...
NC #4: Downtime for Dastardly Folks
#4 of november challenge stories latexia's tired and just wants to rest, but it seems that the rest of her city doesn't want to take a hint and not bother the super-hippo. another november challenge story for myself.
Guro Challenge #15: Insects
#17 of 33 day guro challenge notes: yes, i know a scorpion is not an insect. written after endless repeats of the devil's carnival songs "trust me" and "prick goes the scorpion's tale". "so, liddle skiv, heard the tale o' the scorpion an' the frog?"
Guro Challenge #16: Bondage
#16 of 33 day guro challenge lask frildur was a fine specimen of a monitor, but still very young, and was ashamed to realise it had taken only forty rats to bring him down. ten were dead and three more soon would be, and more would likely follow.
Guro Challenge #12: Parasite
#3 of 33 day guro challenge "i have given suck, and know how tender 'tis to love the babe that milks me: i would, while it was smiling in my face, have pluck'd my nipple from his boneless gums, and dash'd the brains out, had i so sworn as you have
Guro Challenge #6: Surgery
#15 of 33 day guro challenge romsca, stripped to the fur, sat back on the table in the smoky, smelly apothecary's shop, and eyed the grog bottle in the paw of the bent old fox. "gonna pass that over 'ere, mate?" "this?
Guro Challenge #21: Breathplay
#13 of 33 day guro challenge "n-no, please... aaccck..." "head up!" dotti grabbed the stoat's whiskers and yanked up, pointing his snout at the sky.
Guro Challenge #1: Amputation
#11 of 33 day guro challenge he wasn't going to make it. agarnu sprawled face-down on the forest floor, weeping into the mulch. he hadn't noticed his injured leg had got caught between two roots until he'd fallen. bad sign.