Hey, folks. This is a short story I wrote for a very inspiring person. I've gone through a lot of changes in the last year, one among them being my idea of sexuality. I'm still not entirely sure where I stand, but I think I've come to...
Night of Terror (dream)
Chapter 1: the spark * * * december, new berlin, ohio it was the worst snowstorm to hit the city of new berlin. the eastern ohio city, which had a population of 42,000. most were anthro animals.
Why Jeremy hates Sophie
Jeremy looked at shane who smiled and speeds of to ohio going 90 mp/h in a 35 mp/h road being in the army he could care less about his speed. "alright ohio ready or not here we come!!
The Bagel Bill Incident
"sheridan, ohio," ma explained. "a minor link in the network. after all, it's ... in a region of back-roads and strip-mines. buckeyes are far too mild. too complacent. sheridan, ohio, has never been too big a concern. it was there. still is.
Blue and Gray - Chapter 7: Panta Rhei
._ _~ fleet foxes - drops in the river_ july 19, 1863 ohio river, adams county, ohio flynn's lone antler scraped the side of the bunk and his hoof hit the wooden partition as he stretched lazily.
Milk For Kitty
The place was ohio stadium. the occasion was a game between ohio state and ohio university. and things weren't going well between their respective mascots, brutus buckeye and rufus the bobcat.
Clueless Chapter 22: The Closeted Gay Furry’s Guide to being ‘Extra’
You're new to ohio, right? do you know about the ohio arm thing?" _not this preppy bullshit again..._ "how on earth did that remind you of the ohio arm thing?" jayce questioned.
Twinks Across America: Ch. 19 - Ohio
Finding himself in a speakeasy-styled theater in ohio, sebastian flirts with staff. named after the italian wildcat who took credit for discovering the new world, the city of christopher, ohio welcomed with open arms.
Catching Up
ohio was still a bit of a fuckfest. sure, that corrupt cop she and helga attacked got caught eventually, but he was still a cop when they fought him.
Big Sister's Slumber Party: The Road Trip - Part 1
Alyssa looked over at him as they drove past the sign that read "welcome to ohio". "okay," said the ginger female. "we're not driving though all of ohio with the windows down." "oh?" said gerard. "wind bothering you?" "yes," said alyssa.
RSH- Hope
"ohio two-two holding position. we're okay."
LNL 1: The First Day of Lloyds’ New Life
"um, oh yes i am, i just moved down here from ohio." lloyd replied "my names lloyd by the way." sean extended his hand so that he and lloyd could shake, and after they did sean asked one more question.