Encased and Changed
The scientists decide to release me from my resin encasement, citing my exemplary behavior and participation in their experiments.
Aileana 01 - Encasement
Aileana 01 - encasement. she couldn't tell if she was awake or asleep. as far as she could tell, her eyes were open, but she couldn't see anything more than what she normally could when they were closed while in pitch black darkness.
Metal encased soul. (The world as they know it.)
(Brief explenation of stuff. Also sorry for any grammar mistakes, Point them out for me if you can.) \*The known world.\* Grafen: A hevaily mountained continent that has impenatrable and inclimbable cliffs on almost all sides exept one wich is the...
Metal encased soul. (Part 1)
(Restarted! I have my muse back! Its still unfinished, I got this in at 4:15 in the morning, Why cant I sleep? -\_-) \*Rykem Notolus\* I wake up in a daze. I hear flames, from my left I feel warm. 'What happened to me? Who am I? Where am I?' I...
Die by the Sword (Mild Version)
His body wanted to expand to accommodate the fluid within him but his resin encasement made that impossible. with nowhere else to go, the resin forced itself down into his intestines.
Goodra-enforced Resting
"Four days?! You've got to be kidding me!" Sahri groaned in vocal displeasure. "_At least_ four days, maybe a week of bed rest. The less you use that ankle the better." The doctor demanded. "Now I'll see about medication for the pain but you...
Runaway Plant Experiment: Forced Union
**Runaway Plant Experiment:** **Forced Union** By Admiral Q Inspired by Striker SA Emerald got out of her car with a smile on her face, her first place of her own. Granted a small apartment but it was hers. She had recently graduated from college...
Die by the Sword
The drug was slowly wearing off but it was too late to try to struggle; his body was already encased in hard resin. it hadn't fully solidified, but it was firm enough to keep him immobilized.
Loyal to the End
As i felt my masters carefully pose me, help shift my heels under my rump and have my hands clasp on my knees, i glanced down at his encased erection that perked between his legs, a tight ring at the base with the scrotum pulled through and resting on his
A Noble Deed
A Noble Deed Story by Rix Solstice / Solsticefennec It felt strange, really, to be in a transport pod, naked, a caracal in a white lab coat in front of me standing holding a data pad in front of her. Golden eyes looked back at me with a very intent...
Integrated Security (Mild, Female Version)
A steel cage-like frame encased her torso, ending at rings around her shoulder and pelvic joints at her limbs.
User Is Not A Robot. Fixing...
"Ugh, nuisance thing." Ofenna muttered to herself, she'd been browsing the web, flicking between several sites she often frequented only for one to now interrupt her with the familiar grid of images used by sites to try to deter bots. The prompt was to...