Trapped Part 2

Brian leans out and shoots one gunner in the leg with his rifle.

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49 (DSV Nautica) Remains

The gunner turned to face loki, his eyes deadpan, serious, but the gleam of the fight was there. "stand by." he simply nodded, turning his attention back to the weapons. "cel'ya.

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Through Another's Eyes

gunners, when i say so shoot anything that moves." "roger." there was a faint rumble overhead, "about damn time. get ready, on my mark." the halls could be heard crumbling, "piledrivers, report!"

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Wake-Up Call - Part of a larger story

"jenks, i need covering fire, i'll distracted the machine gunner so reeves can get a shot in!" i shout over the gunfire. "i gotcha sarge! on my go!" he pauses. "go!"

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The legend of a warrior; chapter 11 - The darkest hour of Kesteven - The airport

And without the snipers and gunners placed up there with their weapons, the defenders lost suddenly a good bit of their power.

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Vulpes Lupis - Escape From Paris

The gunner in the as350 opened fire again, hosing down the street and sidewalks with a stream of tracer bullets.

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The legend of a warrior; chapter 13 - The darkest hour of Kesteven - The revelations

The first gunner fell backwards into the fuselage and then rolled down and out of the door on the other side for the strength of the blow as the other bullet nailed the second gunner against the minigun in a burst of dark blood.

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A day at the office

The were was a gunner that alex knew, a sgt. gonzalez, but everyone on guntruck called him "oso".


Dust, Blood, and Fur Part One.

There were eight including himself: four riflemen, two machine gunners, a sniper, and a light artillery. the sniper covered their advance from a treetop.

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Second Chances: Chapter two

Chaos broke out; the two gunners tore apart the far right wolf with their heavy fire, but not before it sent its spear through one of the scouts.

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Orange Crush

Squirming past the gunner's seat he slid forward, smacking his thigh on some control for the gunner, or maybe it was the commander, down into the driver's compartment.

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Ch 2 - Battle, Aftermath, Love Blossoms

There came another scream of pain as the cas port wing gunner took a heavy-caliber rifle bullet through his chest.

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