White Pages

She didn't find him but she did hear a familiar lullaby sung by the same voice in the woods, "_there little bird in the orange sky, over the silver peaks so high, oh where do you wander, where do you roam? and when will you come home?

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The Road Trip (Part One)

Almost as soon as the playlist changed to familiar lullabies, he drifted off to sleep.

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Mightyena and Me: Part 3- A New Home?

It was kind of like a lullaby really.... if a lullaby was sung by a stomach. these thoughts danced around inside of my head as i continued stretching and waking up more and more.

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A Change of Pace

Mommy paced 'round to the front of the kitten, humming that familiar lullaby that had bored its way into vickie's brain only minutes ago. bee took hold of her belt, undoing the clasp and setting it down beside her.

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A Mesmo's Prey (Pt 2)

The echoing sounds acting as a lullaby to only ease him more into this state. it seemed he was nearly ready. "do not resist it, drink deeply of what is happening. you feel it don't you, that tranquil sense.

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Hypnovember Day 1 - Relax

Christopher buried his nose in leem's neck, breathing him in and whispering soft words of praise, like a lullaby. he rocked the panda to and fro some more, feeling his breathing slow and his heartbeat creep to a crawl. poor thing was out like a light.

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A rough start

Ruby gave john an affectionate kiss and held her new children and husband to her chest, she sung a drunken version of the lullaby 'my all' and they all fell asleep right there. "sleep well, my new family, may the stars guide your new lives.."

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Night One

It feels like the end when i hear freddy's trademark lullaby. i can't help but weep as i listen to the tune. the tune cuts short, followed by more thumps against the office carpet. i stay in my upright fetal position while listening to the thumps.


Brothers in Arms - The Battle of Evermore

The sound of gunfire had started, making even the air raid siren sound like a lullaby. "my bloody duty!" lewis said, as he threw one of the crutches to the side, so he could wobble a little faster in the sand.

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My Kitty Chapter 19

He was quietly purring, it felt like a lullaby. it soon worked, and i fell fast asleep. "wake up sleepy little pup." i felt a light rub on my head. i shut my eyes tighter, knowing what would happen today. "wake up or i will make you wake up."

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The Descendants of Saelin

Mothers would call their children in from play, feed them their supper, and sing them their lullabies, praying to whoever listened to a toothling's plea that her kits wouldn't have to hear the screams of one that did not make it back home in time.

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Tales of Unova, Stormy Seas

"it must be pokémon lullaby." martha said. terry bent to pick up tidal. "let's go on." the trio continued on. "anyone getting the feeling that they are being watched?" martha asked suddenly. "no, why do you ask?" florance asked.

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