
The orange and black arcanine had gotten fat. He had not just gotten fat, nor just obese, and a paltry comparison to the word chubby was woefully inaccurate to describe what the canine pokemon had become. The dog was something far more than those...

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"I thought I told you that enough was enough there dragon," A cool voice stated flatly. The dragon the voice was aimed at just shrugged and kept on doing what he was doing, seemingly uncaring of the consequences as he strode along the street with a bag...

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Often words fail to do our emotions justice. Simply saying one is depressed doesn't begin to quantify the myriad of feelings and subtleties that can come along with that sensation. Happy fails miserably as well, because there are so many different...

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Spikes was utterly massive. He was not huge in his normal ways either, as his muscles were utterly useless and there was very little fat on his frame. He was still as well-endowed as he always was, but even that was bloated and swollen just as the rest...

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Jockstraps had never been Kaji's thing. The black draolf had always preferred the comfort of boxer briefs, and was never not clad in a pair of green, form-fitting ones. They hugged him all around, supported him in ways a jockstrap couldn't begin to...

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"And that should do it" The hyena smirked to himself as he put the last piece into place, taking a single step back to look at his achievement. His spotted tail began to sway back and forth with both pride, and impending enjoyment, of his latest...

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The first bite had been enough. Even just a taste of the doughnut, with its rich cream filling and its decadent chocolate topping had sent Shard to the moon. The white Cheshire cat's tail swayed with glee as he tasted what could only be described as...

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DJ PuppehDawg

_Little something I wrote for my friend Range. Not my best work, I know, but... I dunno, just a silly little idea he came up with when he got DJ Hero that I figured I could turn into a super quick story. Enjoy, and if you want to read with better...

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Dastardly Deities Devious Deeds

_So, I wrote this whole story as a colab. Granted, I edited this entire copy of the story, added a fair share and then am posting it as something I wrote. But still, credit where credit is due to Kaji Ryuujin for writing this with me over the few...

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Branching Out

_Here it is: 51981 words of pain, sweat, and tears that I poured out over the course of 24 days to not only validate myself as a writer, but to make sure that I could even continue down the path to getting better at it. I... I don't know how this...

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Humble Hero

Rovest never expected what had become of him. He had expected the fame, he had expected the praise, and he had expected just about everything that had come his way throughout his journey and upon his return back to his hometown. What he hadn't...

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"Hope you're hungry!" woke up Lug Nut with a start. The fox had no idea where he was, but as his eyes shot open and he went to move, he knew that he wasn't where he had fallen asleep. The fox had gone to sleep in his bed, same as he did nearly every...

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