The adventures of Lisa the vixen. Got to save the Earth

Hill air base utah major bill dawson is sitting at the pilots lounge upset. "what do you mean his brain is missing?" he said to a airman. the airman looked at the major with red hair and blue eyes.

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Wasteland Survivor – Building and tearing down - ch4

He paused there, letting it all sink in, my hand snaked to the side a little, only to meet crysals, we gripped each other tightly, looked up at the major and crystal spoke for the two of us with, "yeah major, you don't need to worry about sending in

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D.E1 Chapter 3: Decisions

Canis major is divided into sectors. each sector is an immense area made to hold thousands of individuals. see them as cities.

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The Legend of the FinalGamer 7 - I Accuse My Parents

"jack majors." roy had taken a rather serious tone, but he was also extremely agitated as his friend began to flick through to page m. eventually he hit upon the name. "got it. majors, jack."

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The Fall of Codicina

There was plenty of rubbish but no major hunnet, and no response when he called out the major's name.

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The Woodland Visitor Pt 11: A New Pup

Tanya turned to major denton. ~major denton, your role in this will be as informant. there is a spy in the company so i don't want the wolf pack to have anything to do with them.

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Expedition: Tea and Stories

"if it is not too rude, general, may i inquire how it is that you were not commanding the major instead of the other way around?" ampris inquired. "as i understand ranks, a general significantly outranks a major."

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Shadow Stalkers: Djinn Pt 2

'uh, major moro?' a reed thin voice said tentatively. 'go for major moro. this is the new chief engineer, right?' 'ah, yes. it is.

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Sieg and Marien - A Basitin Love Story - Part 21 - The Opening Volley

The major was so engrossed in his book that he almost didn't hear the hesitant knock on his door. "major tanner, sir?" breathing a heavy sigh, the major looked up from his book, "yes?"

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A Familiar Apprentice 01

The major rules were so common and ingrained into magicians - even lousy ones like me - that i had no trouble remembering them. "good. now, the major rules of conjuration." again, easy. what was sul'ava getting at?

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The Needs of Many v.2

A wolf behind the major fires another flare. kihara damn near pulls the trigger and stares at the sight before her. slowly kihara lowers her rifle.
