Hypnotist Girlfriend [CH5 of 5]
The three primates had swelled considerably since the start of the hypnosis, and seemed to be quite content with their bigger size. their appetites and bodes weren't the only things growing.
George the jungle boy
Making some tears of pain coming from the human but later became of exctasy and pleasure he was screaming as the huge primate thrust in and out till while but of them where panting heavily feeling each others heat.
The Shadows Chronicles: One - Brotherhood
Their home, though primative, was large enough for them and possibly two more, uriay preffered to live off the land around him than to live inside one of the large homes, one of which was nearby.
In One World or the Next, My Love is With You
The thin primate, possibly a chimp, looked him over some then spoke. "get some rest kid, you'll need it for tomarrow. it's tough work appealing to just the right customers." gin tilted his head in confusion, "appealing to the right customers?"
The Dark Fair, chapter 6: A well-earned rest
You really look dead-beat, bm-85." the primate mocked his new coworker. raspy breathing was the only answer which came from the bunny. "don't worry, though, management will have you work on your stamina.
History of the Hybrid.
All the primates were cut as being too close to human ancestry already. as were the amphibians and lizards, the difference between converting a cold blooded species to a warm blooded one resulted in far too many failed experiments.
Joads Grapes
One of the primates ignited their backpack thrusters and flew up to violet's perch. at the approaching hot air, violet and its neighbor scootched away leaving more room for the biped. "well, they are capable of responding to external stimuli.
The humans were a common primate, native to the area; but she didn't know much of their family relations, and certainly not that they fought so vigorously over them. wouldn't that be fascinating to write up?
The Door (Ch. 12)
I know that we fall under the same category, primate." eli said back. "whoa." nick and judy said in unison, before judy spotted a restaurant that she thought eli might enjoy.
Zootopia chap 5
The primate cursed, as he spun around glad to see that the fox had put away his cock and was just poking him with a finger. "alright looks good from here... and i'm not getting any closer."
Hunter Hunted
The deer watched as the four hundred pound primate delicately shifted away from the wolf.
Breaking in Modruk part 3
Blinking i saw ad did the wide eyed human that the gorilla had extended his primate feet to the plate as well.