Go slow
"So, I consider a lot of modern literature to be incredible lazy when it comes to a plot, but I think it's a smart way to reach younger audiences that are still developing their own taste. It's easy to read and it's not that complicated, good enough to...
A Mother's Plight, A Son's Burden
Hello again! I was trying to stay on a weekly schedule with these releases but a cold forced me to delay. Rather that than push something out before I had time to be happy with it. And I am, reasonably so. My last story went over quite well so I sort...
The Black Shepherd - Chapter 17
**Chapter Seventeen** **Friday July 18, 2008** **11:04pm** Again, they were bundled together within the glow of the television--the house quiet beyond the fringe of artificial luminance, the house forgotten beyond the stinging scent of perfume and...
The Black Shepherd - Chapter 16
**Chapter Sixteen** **Saturday July 5, 2008** **8:51am** The room was silent and sunlit, his body faint and fluctuant. While Firecrackers barked, bottle rockets hissed, exploded, Tyson lay awake, lay underneath the slight layers of his bedding and...
The Black Shepherd - Chapter 20
**Chapter Twenty** **Friday July 25, 2008** **9:52am** Patricia kicked days three and four of the otherworldly vacation off with continental breakfast and a cigarette, and she capped each night with several rounds of rough sex. It was a routine she...
Alpha Training – Chapter 8: Stepping up
# Alpha Training - Chapter 8: Stepping up The time flew like the eagles over the valley. Niera got her second litter a few weeks later. After she had stopped thinking about who the father of them was, she had been excited to have them and was happy...
Regular Workout
**Regular Workout** Nothing like some quiet time the gym in the evening after a giving his team a real rough time out on the field during their football practice, watching the guys doing exercises, dribbling with the ball, working up the heat into...
Unwanted Desires
[What is wrong with me?], I thought to myself, [Why am I thinking of her this way?] I couldn't understand why I thought of my sister this way, I had never done so before, so what caused it now? [Maybe I'm just tired after so much overtime at...
Susan's story 3, they get their sitter!
Susan stirred awake, gently stroking her nude body as she layed in bed. She rolled over to see her sister kneeling by the bed and crawled over quietly to see Billy shivering and squeaking softly as she was squatting over a hand mirror and inspecting...
The Babysitter Who Desired to be Dominated
Jennifer, a Renamon female college student, loved to babysit for extra cash to pay for tuition. However she had a dark secret. She has a fetish where she likes being dominated sexually. She likes taking orders, being a slut or sex slave is even better....
Gym Buneh Boi
"Jason, are you going to show me how to use the treadmill like you promised?" A prepubescent voice called up to the older male, making the green tinted kangaroo turn his head from where he was trying to look over a list of some minor importance to the...
Just needed to do some writing and burn off some steam. let me know what you think! always love feedback! Pete groaned, eyes running past the countless images of attractive furs on his screen. Part of him was above it all sure, we all say that. 'media...