Scraps - Master's Pillow

She sighed noiselessly as she imagined the feeling of his smooth rubbery skin against her fur to accompany the weight and pressure of his arm around her body and muscular chest against her back that she could feel through the fabric of her sleeping sack.

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Scraps - Cat and Rat (Better?)

The rat girl nuzzled against the feline's leg, closing her eyes and churring softly speaking just below where the amplifier kicks in, "I'd eat you, if it ... please you." The cat stroked the rat's cheek a moment before she curled her claws under the...

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A Present for the Dragon

"So sweet. Always my favorite arm binders, wrist to opposing elbow behind you puts your tits out there so nicely." The rodent held her chin high, never dropping against her clockwork and vaccuum tube posture collar, shuddering only slightly as the...

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Moonlight and Witchfire

It is a female, fur white in the glow of the moon, vulpine and voluptuous. one of the fox maids of the grove.

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A Harmonixer's Journey: Prologue and Chapter 1

Long ago, before the advent of space technology and the merging of human and alien societies, there once existed spirits that could meld their own souls with those of humans', giving the humans the power beyond that of a monster. For a short time,...

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Kissing Ass on the Hill is a Skill

Ara Sefield is your average, ordinary, run-of-the-mill vixen. Brown coat, white accent colors, and lovely blue eyes. She is also a secretary to the Vice President. Very often she is seen wearing red blouses and silvery pants, glasses perced on her...

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Halloween in Sandspur

I had been driving for over 5 hours. My destination was Sandspur, a place that has had a grisly murder streak that occurs every halloween. I,of course, being the 19 year old human that I am, found murder interesting. I wanted to BE there when the...

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Inventory: Future of Elite Force Universe

This is a basic inventory of all the futuristic gear in my book universe. Some of it has actual backing in scientific theories and some of it a complete sci-fi I thought would fit in. I will say now that when I say "Evo" I mean furries. I will explain...

Hoppy Easter Forever

Soft moans were the only sound he made, sinking his hand into the soft fur to find the twin orbs hidden there and fondle them in his changing paw.

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Fur's Random Swordplay 1

Duran froze as the blade thrust through his back, protruding from his chest, and piercing his heart. The brown wolf grabbed the blade, that of a finely crafted katana, and held it in place. His strength was fading fast, but he had to give Xer the...

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Fur's Random Swordplay 1

Duran froze as the blade thrust through his back, protruding from his chest, and piercing his heart. The brown wolf grabbed the blade, that of a finely crafted katana, and held it in place. His strength was fading fast, but he had to give Xer the...

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Chuian in Soul Society: Day 1

My fur was still gray, and i was obviously still a chuian, but i still could not be sure i was still me.
