The Castle of Destiny's Gate - Ch.1: The Hacker Siblings

The castle was, in short, the largest bdsm club in the galaxy and bdsm based brothel in the galaxy (for prostitution was legal on destiny's gate so long as each prostitute was registered with the government and operated only out of approved brothels).

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Where Life Can Lead

Now pimping and prostitution is illegal, but what rick is can't even really be called a hooker. he might as well be a slave with benefits, which yes, it's an oxymoron. normal prostitution rings are just controlled with drugs and fear.

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Otter Get In Trouble

He smiled at the girls, studying the small group of prostitutes sharing the corner. he finally held up a paw, showing some money, then made a beckoning motion.

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Legacy Chapter Twenty Six

"i was forced to watch," he said, "as a woman, an innocent woman, who was chosen only because she a prostitute, was raped in front of my very eyes." "so because i'm a prostitute, you're going to rape me as well. just so you can see how it feels?"

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Roads Untraveled - Part VII

You don't need those prostitutes when you can have fun with me, papa.\>" "\<prostitute? she's not a prostitute, fleur. you know sydney.\>" "i'm hearing a lot of 'prostitute' near my name..."

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Old wolves new packs

Asked the turian mouth open as slowly stopped and stared at beta the two stared at each other for what felt like hours but only was a few minutes "tell the elcor ambassador that the prostitute didn't spill his secrets this is who" septimus

The Criminal Chronicles Story 1 - Shayzo Bright part 1

As he neared the prostitute she turned her head towards him and smiled softly, a very inviting smile that shayzo returned. "hey there honey, you looking for a good time tonight maybe?"

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The Concierge of Livestone

We just prohibit the reservation of prostitutes because by nature of their profession it is impossible to guarentee a certain one will be available at a certain time.

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Tempting Tails: A Brothel Times story

Gasping in shock, cara found herself naked beside the prostitute, and surprisingly well enveloped in vicki's arms. "you wanted to be with a kitsune. i'll do my best to make it a night you remember."

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Usually i didn't hired a hooker, especially one as young as cherry. my focus always remained on work, but some invisible force propelled me to continue hiring him between jobs.

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Need to Stop

For all i'm worth in my 'normal' life, i might as well be a fucking prostitute. my burner flip phone buzzes on the dresser. i pick it up and look at the address.

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Need to Stop

For all i'm worth in my 'normal' life, i might as well be a fucking prostitute. my burner flip phone buzzes on the dresser. i pick it up and look at the address.

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