Axe and Moss: closer than twins
My name is Josh, Josh Axe and this is the story of a set of twins, husky twins who got just a little bit too curious. My brother Max and I were adopted by our fathers, Blake and George, when we were little more than infants, our biological parents...
Not Much For A Christmas Dinner
Tristan groaned, tilting his head back to enjoy the young rabbit's ministrations. she tugged his shirt up over his head, dropping it to the ground, and began kissing delicately at his white furred chest.
Life of a Firefly
As for dino, well, he was a young dog, but not so young that his instincts hadn't kicked in.
In Dog Years
There are some pretty wild animals in this world, it can be dangerous for a young boy when he isn't supervised." the young man said. the mother considered for a long moment. "phil, would you come here for a moment?" she asked.
Lost Little Kitty Chapter 5
Plying the young kindern with carnima, at her age and clearly a country bumpkin it was unlikely she had encountered the stuff before now and the drugs were working quickly.
Transformation at Hogwarts: Part 16
**I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER. ALL CHARACTERS AND LOCATIONS BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. I AM MAKING NO MONEY FROM WRITING THIS.** **A/N: ** I know I didn't upload this when I said I would, and for that I apologize. My life has taken a turn...
High School Sex Chapter 2
You better have a good explanation for this young man!" i realized that it was my mom yelling on the phone and she must have been yelling hard because sara started to giggled."
Banner in the Sky - Kleine Dame
Rudi asked, his voice gentle and sweet like a young female's. his blue orbs turned and looked between the cackling wolverine and the, now standing, hound.
Animorphs: Lost Journal 1, Chapter 20.5 - Cassie Caught!
My name is Tobias. By now you all know my last name. Yes, I'm that Tobias, the "Animorph." Jake had us all record our thoughts in journals, just in case the Yeerks killed us all. Our parents would find the journals, and maybe publish them, or...
A Change in Pace
Jastin helped the young fox stand up again carefully smoothing the skirt out. jastin patted his pet's rump gently causing the young fox to flinch from the pain.
Big Bunny Boy Blossoming a Boner.
Dustin placed a small shadow over joe, but as the raccoon suspected, the young bunny boy had heard his footsteps far before he even got really close up.
Love and Lycanthropy - Chapter 11
The idea of growing old while the boys stayed young and perfect was something that nagged at me off and on, but i generally tried to push it out of my mind to deal with later.