Chapter 11 Success?

**Chapter 11 Success?** Eight more days pass since the Sskausa toy started its work in the chop shops. Today is toy's last day; it is Sunday and few people are working on the shops today, but those who remain there is plenty of work to...

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Cross Relations: Suited

**Cross Relations: Suited** ** ** Four and a half weeks have passed since Ryan got his cuffs and collar. He stands before Dyana phone in his hands, Dyana smiles, her tail wagging quickly as she silently encourages him on while pointing to...

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Chapter 2 Diving in Head First

**Chapter 2 Diving in Head First** "Oh come now, what fun would that be if this one just told you everything? Why don't you lie down on the bed, get comfortable, and this one will let you have a little taste of things to come." she...

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Chapter 1 Sizing up the Prey

**Chapter 1 Sizing up the Prey** The Toys-4-U toy company had become quite well known in many countries around the world. They didn't have any billboards though, and it wasn't a publicly spoken household name. Toys-4-U was known...

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Poke U: Chemistry Lab

**Poke U: Chemistry Lab** "And that class, is how Sigma Freud is important in psychotherapy. I know it was a lot for you today, but please read chapter 2 and prepare for the quiz. Other than that, if any of you have any questions, I'll be...

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Death in the night part 1

**death in the night** set in a/u version of my falling for lioness series. set after the first story lion king chatters own by disney i own stuart, shingi and the other oc people. it had been 3 weeks after simba and co had defated scar.

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A sample scene

'Closer...almost there...just a few more steps to go.' Feint refractions signal their way up a tall lace of smoke lulling in the sunlit gloom. Through a crack in the canopy, a single hungry tongue holds its breath, licking in anticipation. Though no...

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Project 8: Programming

**Project 8: Programming** ** ** Kindred Harth squirmed in K-2003's tight grasp. She saw the other sergal toy move over to her. Her heart raced, her body felt weak, having already been under the rubber for what felt like an...

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Toy Friends

**Toy Friends** ** ** Nexi Saiyuri was an average everyday white furred anthropomorphic college student. She went to school and studied hard, eager to make her mark on a world which had presented more than its share of challenges. ...

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Chapter 10 Resistance

**Chapter 10 Resistance** The Sskausa toy remains in a kneeling position by the couch. Its rubbery tails ways behind it squeaking against the black leather of the couch as the scent of sex with the other members of Mist's work crew...

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Chapter 5 First day of work

**Chapter 5 First Day of Work** The Sskausa was completely immobile inside of the tight mold. The snake could feel his body being tugged and pulled along every inch of his body, his claw tips, his tail tip, chest, everything. The...

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Chapter 9 Backstage Work

**Chapter 9 Backstage Work** Nine days have passed since the snake toy's first day on the sale's floor. The snake toy spending its time day in and day out serving customers in various ways, with over thirty surveys completed. The...

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