Wrong Place, Right Time - Part 2

It's set in the same universe as all my other original work, around the same time "mission to bellatrix" takes place, and the same alien species appear (zorai, mulathi (syala's species), etc.

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"Daggers of Darkness, Book 2, The Heart of Élendor": Epilogue

Intending to make a quick side trip to the colony world of élenswena to drop off sa'n'sriel læree'ahna, had quickly thrust both ships into combat with an invading alien species that struck fear into the mûr tua'ansa crew of the _se'nika_for they had

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Tension 2: Death's Reign of Terror Chapter 2

It seemed that everyone except anthony were interested in the fact that mark was friendly with a dangerous alien species.


The Start

The vanduul, an alien species that hates all others but their own. the mission was to liberate a moon of vanduul oppression and secure it. making great strides in their favor years past, the top brass decided a leadership change was in order.

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The Cold Wind II: Taniwha (preface)

All alien names, object descriptions, and locations have been rendered in conventional english, including the names of the alien species themselves (_vanguard, arbiters_, etc), and for much the same reasons as the measurements.

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Devolvers - Prologue

The yeerks were alien species that were very unimpressive on its own, more like large slugs than anything else, but don't be fooled, those slugs almost ended the human species.

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Devolvers - Prologue

The yeerks were alien species that were very unimpressive on its own, more like large slugs than anything else, but don't be fooled, those slugs almost ended the human species.

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alien species description their vaguely humanoid-shaped bodies' surfaces are porous, peppered with large holes, to the extent that there's about 1/4 to 1/3 of their outsides that isn't technically 'surface' but empty space leading in.

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Time Before the Verses

Random points for an important planet in their universe, some records of an ancient space battle with an alien species called the tu'un. nothing that told them what had happened, or what was going to happen, or what would never happen again.

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A Harmonixer's Journey: Prologue and Chapter 1

Now, humans fequent with alien species, and no monsters exist to powerful to be overcome. many aliens reside on earth, but only one was lucky enough to discover the hidden chamber of the harmonixer.

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Creation [Lore Information]

The first universe was called 'universe alpha', the prime universe for life which became home to the humans and other alien species.

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The Orca - A sci-fi original

Further, although we had-- between us-- discovered a handful of other alien species, they were merely anthropological curiosities.

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