Recruiting the Devourer
**Recruiting the Devourer** Hollow tapped his fingers against the wooden table, his eyes drifting over the tavern floor. He took a sip of his mead in thought as he looked around, there he was, a human mage in a city of anthros. He was one of the few...
Down in Georgia
**Down in Georgia** **By: BerserkerB** Zerky balled his hand into a fist and rapped it against the door. The hyon hummed a tune and rocked back and forth on the soles of his paws. He knocked a couple more times, but then turned his attention to a...
Not willing enough 2
Hello and welcome to my next installment of "Not willing enough" Part one is here: (Link) So yeah as always I hope you enjoy the story. Feel free to leave comments and favs and so on. I really appreciate all kinds of feedback. Also please be aware...
Voretober 4th - "Door"
An empty growl filled the living room, the tri-colored folf's belly voicing its displeasure that dinner had not yet happened. He was starving, glancing at the clock and wondering how long the delivery would take. A hand idly pat Nin's stomach to...
Studying Hard, but Hardly Studying
Though the lecture hall was half-full, the only sounds to be heard were rustling papers as pages were turned and documents were flipped, interspersed with soft-spoken whispers. Library rules were enforced during study halls, which meant anything over...
Elite Training's Rewards
"You're a great trainer Muki, but you can be even greater if you learn your Pokémon's potential." "I know Mr. Bunny, really I do. I've heard all about that type of training, but I've always just focused on making sure my Pokémon are happy and well...
Voretober 2nd - "Cage"
Frosty's ears perked when the front door closed, distracting his attention from the computer. Even from his bedroom he could immediately hear a quiet commotion, piquing the snowy cheetah's interest. Steady rattling filled the front room, which...
Day 4) Depths
One can get lost in a trance. Enamoured by a dangerous allure a deeper and yet deeper pit. From which there is no return. CWS: implied vore, implied digestion, hypnosis, bone breaking, fatal, implied sexual penetration, implied blood Elegy belongs to...
Alligator's Tears
Alligator's Tears By Fizer Warning: Story contains F/m unwilling soft vore, stripping, and force feeding. Predator: Female Anthropomorphic Alligator Prey: Male Human CuteTora04: \*the alligatoress continues her strong gulping,...
Frosty Loops - Chapter 8: "Vixen in the Woods"
"Oh, God, it's _everywhere_." Frosty groaned as he looked dejectedly at the sticky mess soaking into his bed. He'd awakened dripping with fluids. They covered every inch of his...
Where I Belong
-Sigh-. It's done. There's no going back now. You know what? It's actually better than I imagined it. I mean, nothing could prepare me for the sensations I felt. Even now I'm shaking. Even though it's been a while since I got here, I'm still harder...
A Squeak in Time - Chapter 03 - "The Spottycat Came Back"
"Ohhhh, that's _much_ better." Fomo breathed a heavy sigh of relief as a majority of the lynx's weight was lifted off his gut by the steaming bath. He'd nearly overflowed the tub in the process, and had to let out quite a bit of water before he could...