Deus Ex: Furry Revolution

bell tower (a private military group) has struck again, but this time, they've taken control of a limb facility, you know, where people get augmentations.

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Dawn of Chaos Pt 8

As she walked past the street leading to the haunted church a glint from the bell tower drew her attention upwards just in time to see the ancient bell swing on it's way back down.

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Crossing the Rubicon 10

On top, a bell tower perched like something out of the middle ages. the bell had not been rung in decades. behind the church, an ancient swing set hung from an even more ancient tree. at the moment, a male and a female sat on two of the swings.

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Violent Ecstasy

From atop my position in the bell tower nobody could make out my shape or that there was even anything but a big bell inside the small space.

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Tales of Valadris Chapter 1

I crested the top of a hill and saw a bell tower in the distance. the tower was made of stone, so there was probably a quarry somewhere nearby. the roof was made of darkly colored clay shingles.

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Suck (M/M)

You come to the bell tower hotel, which you can't miss because it's fucking fancy as shit. it'll be the penthouse. i'm not fucking kidding around. go let yourself in and there'll be a little bit of instructions. i'll be there later tonight.

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Winter War

It was only a dozen feet from the piles of furniture, and if he could gain the bell tower he'd have a clear shot on city hall, and the target that had taken it for his command post.

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Recruitment: Ana the Sniper

There was a squad of several enemy soldiers shooting up at a bell tower whilst squatting behind cover.

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I sighed as i walked out of my dorm to the bell tower. the bell tower is one of the oldest buildings on campus, and i sometimes went here to be alone. now i went to fulfill my destiny.

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FInally, the roof!

Across the way stood the bell tower, his goal. "huh... it's quiet... i wonder...

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Redwall: The Warrior's Ritual - Part 4

"now we don't have to sneak out at night, or up to the bell tower during the day to get our nuts off." "that's right," said mattimeo.

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Coming Up Next!

A series of cracks spiderwebbed around the base of the bell tower, and for one heart stopping moment toke thought the entire tower was going to fall down.

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