Under The Quiet Moon - 2 - 02/23/2016
A guttural growl rumbled through the beta-male and he pumped his hands into fists as he visibly fought for control.
The beta male was in full control of the situation, that was painfully obvious.
Holy Moments of Dawns yet to Come
"thy pitiful fools shall reveal their true beta male nature, m'lady" said the mra fox the nick with sweat in his balls like a mutated rhinocephalian of woe. the bun rolled her eyes in despair, but did anyways.
Jackie-The-Junior Epilogue-Forgiveness
Into the hands of one of his beta-males that in turn took christopher to where the other females of the pack stay. a large communal tent made of tarps and animal hide.
Demonic encyclopedia
Hell canines have magic of their own call 'pack magic' which means that any female who is part of a pack can only be impregnated by the alpha male, unless the alpha have giving his agreement together with the female for the other male to give her puppies, beta
Omega: Broken Bonds
The beta male was becoming increasingly more aggressive. there were several possible outcomes the alpha male could think of to resolve the situation... and none of them were to his liking.
Ridixin (Part 1)
Yolanda, the alpha female who i never really knew, humphrey, the alpha male who helped teach me how to hunt, shallah, beta female and best friend, deitrick, subordinate male and second best friend, bekõn, beta male and personal least favorite, valence, subordinate
The Adventure of Goo-Girl and Pup: Shiqa's Playday
The beta males started to move forward until a loud whistle drew their attention. i smiled and sat up. bella walked into the room, her slime body dripping moisture on the floor. she frowned playfully at me, her arms crossed over her humongous breasts.
Bearing the Pack
I didn't mind the whole thing; our dad was one popular guy even when he wasn't the alpha or the beta male. for me, a gray wolf just like my bro and dad, we were great being the males.
Wolf Pack Structure—My College Essay!
According to the wolf information and learning center in ronkonkoma, new york, "the beta male may attempt to mate with the alpha female during mating season and the alpha male must chase him away to make sure he doesn't" (wolf behavior).
Papa Prakibak 1
"it's funny that you went from the eager boy, fucking the biggest, strongest lady out there, to dating the most magnificent of men and being the beta boy to the women around here."
The House on Rainbow Road - 15 - Tara
The beta-male was learning from his better, and soon, he too was slowly scratching tara's back, easing her into her new form as blond fur grew in thickly and her tail finally emerged.