Pj and Pete Missing Stories Chapter 3 -- DELETED SCENE

"officer's responding to a d'caht quickie." both pete and the officer on either side of the boy said in unison.

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Pj and Pete chapter 10

"d'caht i know the real reason you're here." "you do?" mr. macalla nodded. "yup i do. you're here cause you want to be around all these fine athletes.

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Pj and Pete chapter 1

d'caht i reckon that it'll be another detention for you." "ah, i agree with that." mr. tarn said looking back down to pj. "mr. d'caht i expect to see you in there, as soon as the bell rings! got it! and you better not be a second late!!"

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Pj and Pete chapter 22 Part 1

Moving to bo's side so that he could place his arm over his shoulders, bubba motioned over to the d'caht's "bo, i'd like you to meet my two dearest friends pete d'caht and pete d'caht junior. boys i'd like you to meet my oldest brother bo."

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Pj and Pete chapter 12

Especially if d'caht was the one paying for it. the thought of moose having sex with some hot woman made tony's own member pulse a little.

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Pj and Pete chapter 16

"heh-heh stop sucking up d'caht you me to fuck you already." moose teased as he continued pounding into his lover. as time went on the primate worked up a steady rhythm.

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Pj and Pete Missing Stories Chapter 5

It was d'caht's fault he was so loose anymore. dirty bastard just loved jamming things into his ass. objects one wouldn't usually think of using during sex.

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Pj and Pete chapter 21

Next time the d'caht's meet bubba's dad and brothers....

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Pj and Pete chapter 14

A sleepy pj d'caht gave a soft yawn as he slowly woke up on a cold saturday afternoon.

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Paying Taxes

d'caht, mam. but my dad explicitly told me to give them to mr. tuskie himself...", pj replied, nervously stepping from foot to foot. "i'm afraid he's very busy though, so why don't you let me call mr. evans, maybe he can help you?"

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Pj and Pete chapter 22 Part 2

"keep flattering me like that d'caht and i'll be the one making the special trip to see you." bo's voice came from inside of the house.

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