A Series of Moments 4
#4 of darkwing duck fics meeting the family. **chapter 4: first visit** it had been a month since they had officially started dating and drake was finally ready to take the next step.
A Series of Moments 2
#2 of darkwing duck fics _ **chapter 2: a stormy surprise** _ 'ugh, i hate rain,' elmo grumbled as he unlocked his apartment door and stepped inside.
An Enchanting Relationship! The Lovebirds’ Story
"for i am darkwing duck!" the girls gasped at the sight of this masked duck, "drake mallard?!" webby shouted, recognizing him from the countless darkwing duck trailers she had watched in the past week. "ah," drake noticed.
secuestrando mi cuerpo
- aunque reclamo darkwing duck, su relacion con su archienemigo había cambiado para siempre.
Serenifi: Great Scott! Part I: Scene 1
duck", "talespin", "tiny toons", "animaniacs", "batman: the animated series", "superman: the animated series", "teen titans not go", "the powerpuff girls", "ed, edd, and eddy", "courage the cowardly dog", etc.)
Ultimate Furry Crossover - An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Background Information 2: The Aniverse
duck/goof troop disney's the lion king disney's mighty ducks disney's robin hood disney's talespin dog city donkey kong jazz jackrabbit klonoa kung-fu panda little tail bronx series (e.g.
Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 3
'whoa, this think looks like a darkwing duck hat.' she put it on. 'sweet!' she look more and found a hood, and a purple outfit with a cape and a m. 'oh this is a mare do well costume.'
A Couple of Mooks
"wait, i thought we were supposed to be watching timon and pumbaa, not darkwing duck!" oliver's face fell. "it-it is timon and pumbaa," he said, meekly. "i know, i'm just teasing." reassured jam. "oh, right. heh, heh." "come on."
Play Time
Disclaimer: all darkwing duck characters are © to disney. used without permission and certainly just for fun. this document may be freely distributed, but not altered in anyway. warning: this fic is rated nc-17 for m/m slash. s&m. language, angst.
*Cub* When Girls Play With Boys - 2009
When Girls Play With Boys by tannim March 25, 2009 Daisy rubbed Honker in front of Gosalyn, the duckling's cock twitched with each rub and he panted asthmatically. His cheeks were flushed and his balls tight in the older duck's other hand. He...
Let's Hit The Road 3 - A Catastrophe
"it was quite smooth yeah," said james, with max adding: "yeah it was pretty cool...if ya had been darkwing duck, which yer not."