Movie Time - Tay & Dyson
Seen said, that harsh tone of his voice making the two cubs jump as they turned to watch the dire bear move towards them. "i...really wanted these."
Gym Routine - Tay
"calm down, tay," the dire bear chided in an almost paternal manner.
Delivery In Rear (Commission For Daxx)
The dire bear wiggled them for a moment before wrenching them free.
The Black Fang's Bite (teaser) - A Menagerie of Heroes
"i sighted no more dire-bears in the vicinity nor any other threats. our tracks and scent have been masked should anything else come across our previous encounter."
Seen, the Primal
So early, the sun was barely half risen when a large dire bear walked out of his cave. naked,groggy and smelling heavily of debauchery.
Fight For The Prize
She grinned and bowed, the dire-bear following suit after her as the bell rung for the match to start.
Gutpunch 3 - Cave adventures and thrill quenchers; or how the prospect of money, cryptozoology and semi-bestiality can rekindle old friendships
A harsh wind blew through the forests of the Yunder mountain, bringing with the omen of a blizzard. Atilus, a heavily robed white fox, trekked between the trees, stumbling up and down on the uneven road. He turned back, his eyes scanning the path he...
Kanzashi and Fireworks
"Come on, come on!" Mina's voice piped just ahead of Seen. The hybrid bat girl was bubbling over with excitement, and the bear behind her could only laugh. "Alright, alright, hold your horses. We need to get tickets for the games, first." His voice was...
Flames in the Night: William's Journey chapter 1
Ears perking he stared at the arrow hitting and sinking into the flesh of the dire bear, and for a moment thought he took it down.
Babying Sitting The Boys - Chapter 4
Chapter 4 Allen learns a lesson. Or.. Three. Tay eased up into the pool side chair with a little huff as he held his somewhat bulging stomach happily.. he was relaxing before joining everyone in the water. Seen just strolled up behind him and leaned...