Love for Sale: Chapter 8

"Yana-sal..." came a groan. "...What time is it? What are you doing?" The mouse stared up at the ceiling. He hopped out of the bed and into the baths before he dared to breathe. Not even bothering to turn on the lights, he turned on the shower _fast_....

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Miscellaneous: The Collie

February 5th, Year 2215 19:30pm. Note: If you haven't read my series 'Seekers', or at least the important parts of it, then you may have trouble understanding parts of this. Also, this has nothing to do with the other series, just something...

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A friend in need is a friend indeed.

"Come oooonnn Derek" the snow leopard said, biking infront of the bigger wolf. "jesus Will, just chill man, I can't start my day until I've had a cig" The timber wolf said. "man, we've already been biking for an hour" The feline replied slightly...

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Commission: Tempered Flame

Fina let out a growl as the guards manhandled her while taking her out of the cart. As it turned out, Andrel hadn't been able to sell her back to Auction House. When she heard that from one of the house servants, she had felt a moment of both relief...

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Scientific Curiosity

Twilight Sparkle chewed nervously at the end of a quill, staring down at the parchment she was preparing to write in. She had it all set up. She had gotten the 'product' from Pinkie Pie. Apparently, the Cake's had gone to Zecora seeking a medicine that...

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Stray Dog Strut

The kit fox yawned, nosing gently into the throat of the maned wolf to laid next to him, arm holding him in a loving embrace. He carefully unwound his legs from his beloved stilt-legged fox and stood, giving a long, lazy stretch that made his shoulders...

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Figuring Things Out--An Introduction

_Hello everyone. I am sorry for my sporadic nature in my scheudule. Today is the first day I've had available to begin work on Zee's story. This is going to be a multi-part segment. Essentially, I'm going to post as pieces become available. This is...

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Remaking the herd Sloth

Remaking the herd Sloth Seven deadly sins Xanto had heard of what was being done to his brothers, but the shaggy laid back golden Unicorn lounge about his forest home. In the eternal sunlight of his magically land the days were slow and lazy, the...

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Chapter Four: Fired and Fried

CHAPTER FOUR In relatively short order, the nurse had come and taken his IV out, noticing Jacob's flinching when he saw the actual needle. He dressed himself, checked out at the front desk, and headed to work with a note detailing the doctor's...

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Fur-pocalypse by Shetland finished by Raven Fox: A story unfinished by Shetland. A male human goes for a hike and ends up three hundred years into the future. Mt Rainer National park, a hiking trail March 2008. Jason a black hair human male...

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An Unexpected Gift

Oh, you're awake. How good. I was starting to get bored. Don't worry. I'm not going to harm you. No, where would be the fun in that? What's that? I can't hear you. Oh, those sounds you make are so cute, and that tongue, mmm, the way it wiggles. Hehe......

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Tiny Eros Chapter 9

#9 of tiny eros warning: light drug use in this chapter. spec has some one on one time with the infamous kleptomaniac that is mindy. let us see what happens when spec catches her trying to take something.

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