The Gift- A Gray Muzzle story
The gift- a gray muzzle story this story is dedicated to a friend- you know who you are. jules was going through a bad time. a teen otter, tall and awkward, he had been wrestling with his sexuality for some time.
Sugar- A Gray Muzzle story
Sugar- a gray muzzle story it was the witching hour, nothing so crude as midnight of course. anyone can be a witch at midnight under a full moon. it was past 3am and he had been awoken by a hand on his shoulder, shaking him urgently.
The Lesson - A Gray Muzzle story
The lesson- a gray muzzle story author's note- i was discussing story ideas the other day with koji haeos. this story was based on an idea he had. so, it's his idea. my story, my characters, koji's story idea. thanks, koj! bitchin idea!
Candi, a Gray Muzzle story
"Hi!" No sooner had I opened the door when she rushed in, a flurry of color and motion. Though she was barely 2/3 my size, she almost lifted me off the floor with her hug. Now, you might think that with a reception like that, that this was my...
The Fan- A Gray Muzzle Story
The fan- a gray muzzle story. i'm a fennec. i thought i'd get that out of the way up front. after all, it's had a big impact on my life. like respect. think it's easy being the 'cute little fox'?
The Wrestler- A Gray Muzzle story
The wrestler a gray muzzle story &
Catgirl- A Gray Muzzle story.
muzzle story i lay flat out on the bed, looking at the ceiling.
Simone A Gray Muzzle story
A gray muzzle story. the following is a story swap with capthavoc123. the captain asked for cats, and father/daughter incest. the rest i was given latitude to play with. so, here it is, 'simone'.
Love Hurts/ Tongue Lashed by Dikran O
The end grey muzzle © grey muzzle "shades of gray" © barry mann and cynthia weil
The New Bedroom- A Gray Muzzle story
The new room - a gray muzzle story this was the day that red had been waiting for- the day she got to move into her new room. now, standing in it, looking around it, she was having trouble taking it all in.
Morning Wood- A Gray Muzzle story
Morning wood- a gray muzzle story i was looking at 'sex club page 21' and was thinking 'that's pretty hot! i wonder if i could do an entire store of this one scene?' it got me thinking. then i figured i'd give it a try.
September Morning- A Gray Muzzle story
September morning- a gray muzzle story look at what you've done.