A Vixen's Desires (Contains Adult Content)

(Disclaimer: This contains adult content not suitable for ages 17 and younger. This also contains content that would only appeal to those who enjoy beastiality and/or 'golden showers' and 'water works'. So if any of these things offend you, feel free...

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Cynder's betrayal Chapter 1 Her true colors.

It had been three years since Spyro defeated Malefor and saved the world from destruction, and in those three years many villains showed up such as Gnasty Gnorc and Ripto. But the most dangerous of all the villains was Stranger the first of all purple...

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TLoS: Challenge of Hearts (Chapter 20)

**Chapter 20:** **Mine** There was a wide variety of expressions on the faces of the gathered dragons. Not only were they shocked at what they had seen, but, some dragons also had a thought very similar to the one Cynder had moments...

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Once upon a black dragon

Soon we were joined by spyro carrying two plump sheep, he started flaming his and shoved the other-one in flame and embers direction and the ate together blushing, though you could only tell that ember was blushing because flame was... red.

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Once upon a black dragon Ch. 2

## **Spyro** Chapter 2 _You can what?_ Spyros POV I feel Ember cuff my tail and watch her go under the trees, I watch Flame do much the same, I sigh knowing I can't catch them, so I look around before landing in nice looking forest. A dark...

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cynder x spyro lovnlies ch8

chapter 8: two-faced. to all my viewers, i know you may be losing the plot, after some thought, ive decided to make a witty recovery and just wing the plot as i go along until i can form a more appropiate one^\_^ for everyone who liked where this was...

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The Fire of Love

There is a flame that burns inside us all that flickers at each and every hint of love. It flickers but doesnt ever grow until the we find the one that it burns for. Then the flame burns brighter with all the love you give her, and then it starts to...

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[Commission] Subterfuge, usurpation and vigilante justice

"The perimeter is secured" Moss Fiend announced. "Excellent work, Lieutenant." Chrysalis answered, slowly sliding her hooves across her lieutenant's chin, to which he did not move. "You've done good work today. You shall be...handsomely rewarded." "I...

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Fanfiction - MLP: Tranquiline's Trial by Fire (chapter 1)

There are many strange mysteries spread throughout the fabled land of Equestria, but few are as strange and enchanting as one from the ancient past, once forgotten but recently rediscovered by the land's denizens. In ancient times this legend inspired...

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He woke up to the sounds of birds chirping. Sunlight already beaming in through the windows. Several things went through his mind. Where was he? Why am I hungry? What time is it? What happened while I slept? When did I fall asleep? It just seemed to be...

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TLoS: Challenge of Hearts (Chapter 6)

**Chapter 6:** **Revenge in Mind** Both dragons stared into each others eyes, wanting nothing more than to enjoy the moment they held together. Spyro padded to beside Cynder, basking in the spotlight of...

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Legend of Spyro: A Change in Destiny

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the spyro characters from either the legend of spyro or spyro the dragon they belong to their respective owners Spyro awoke with a yawn and stretched out his legs. It was another glorious day, and yet he could not help...

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