The Warrior Prince

In honor of my grandsons return i shall host a feast so that all of high or low class may partake in the celebration!! let it be known that on this day our kingdom has been blessed with fang!

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Royal Affairs

"when my father was alive...he declared that women of high or low class can choose whom they deem worthy of marriage..." "then....i woul gladly take you as my wife but may i ask you something?" "what?" "why did you fall in love with me?"

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Astral High - Chapter 24

[x] "someone in low class like you could never afford-" "you worthless bitch, my dad makes over two hundred grand annually, if we wanted to go to florida we'd be there.

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August 3: Afternoon Tea

As expected of the cat's sensibilities, nothing inside the house was low-class. floors were sparkling, carpet was soft to the touch, sofa was cushy, and even the living room table was shining. everything looked so simple, yet elegant.



Since he was a very low class, it was against the law for him to wear clothes. sometimes he wondered what it would be like, warm in the nice soft fabric. tired from his running, and jumping over tasty alfalfa stacks, he laid down.

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The General

Born of a low tier house, to low class parents, born into a low class life. low class, that was all he ever was. he was not born into the aristocracy, and so would never rise any higher.

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World Darkness 3: The Rapeing

"your a human, you are a low class little slut!" "i'm not human, i'm just like you!" "liar!" he pushes her down, and places a paw on her butt and squeezes. "no don't!" he laughs at her... "no don't what!?"

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Anthropia: The Ancient Ones

Most ancient ones who are encountered alone are low class and can be dispatched relatively easy.

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Carnal Demonology: Volume 5

**thrall:** an extremely low class of demon, as in rock bottom tier class. thralls are the result of humans and sometimes demons who are used as pleasure slaves.

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falling for a lioness part 9 and 10

" scar said he letting the hyenas of because he said we shouldn't protected the human " zira spat thinking of the dirty low class animal called a hyenas,that her mate was protecting.

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Fur & Scale

Bartender said gork's in leyawiin, dealing with some low class mercenaries. kadira and thin-tail could get revenge, yes?" sitting up in the bed, the khajiit smiled and rolled her shoulders.

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Where Minds Lay: Distances Between

The apartment complex is complete with all the essential ingredients to make a horrible, low class living environment. the walls have a nice peeling effect, like some parts of the paint job are too lazy to stay on the wall.

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