A werewolf guide: Magic

**magic classifications** here we will be talking about the types of magic used. each type has a list of conditions to organize them.

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Types of Skinsuits/Bodysuits

Suits made of a living creature or creatures magical: using magical crafts to make or turn into a suit, like magical spells, medallions & potions how to enter a suit the most basic way to enter a suit id the classic zipper, but their are

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The Dread Grimoire: Chapter One

Magic also dilutes over distance, so the amount of magic used per spell depends on the distance between two objects, the user and the target.

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Dark Moonlight - 1 {WIP}

Apparently they regulate the magic use and make sure that any mages aren't causing any problems. and if you're wondering, no i'm not registered with the society. i only use magic if i have to, or just to practice.

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Dolphin's Haul (Art+Story)

One of her magic-using friends had performed a scanning spell which suggested there were four... the mother-to-be had sworn it must be more than that, but as this was her first time being with child, her frame of reference was limited.

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Karashi's Background (Sorta)

Now, what kara did not know, was that the sealing magic used to protect kara and her father, was slightly different. they still aged inside the barrier, but were protected from everything that happened outside.

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Quoth the raven

"while you were regenerating in the egg it probably caused some mutation because the magic used wasn't designed for your species, and as for your oddly selective amnesia your mind was gone when we put you in the egg."

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Reversing Arousal

Contains: hyper, casual nudity, null groin, references to excessive cum, magic use, beanbag chair testes, a platonic sheef massage and null arousal this was written as a reward for the $30 tier on my patreon!

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Knights of Rhea BK1 Ch1: Tavern Investigation 

Her eyes were searching and it seemed she had detected my magic use.

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This skill is resisted by a spirit roll, just like destruction magic. using the _bluff_ skill means that you are intentionally avoiding an issue, distracting the conversation from where the other party wants it to go, or telling lies and half-truths.


Part 3: The Gladiator Arena.

Number one; there will be no magic used while in combat. magic used to enhance your physical prowess is fine, as long as it is done before the battles. the only time magic is allowed is when fighting in a power struggle.

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SRC-01 Cold Hooves, The Full Episode

"this madame salena is a magic using reindeer?" "that is correct. she hasn't had an apprentice in quite a while and you might be just the type she has been waiting for."

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