GD Skyrim: Part XIII-XXX
> Gamer Diaries > Skyrim > By Evan Drake ## Part XXIII: Divine Intervention I am so sick of divine powers. All the gods can go suck it for all I care. That beacon had to go. It started following me everywhere. If I ever moved more than a few...
GD: Skyrim Part XIX
> Gamer Diaries > Skyrim > By Evan Drake ## Part XIX: Together Again It's official. Isran's an asshole. I knew the guy was a hardass but seriously, he could've warned me that the people he sent me to find were less than pleased with him. The good...
GD: Skyrim Part XVIII
> Gamer Diaries > Skyrim > By Evan Drake ## Part XVIII: Assembled I did it! I managed to find all three Gauldur amulet fragments! That last one was difficult. The draugur bastard teleported around the room and made illusionary copies of...
GD: Skyrim Part XII
> Gamer Diaries > Skyrim > By Evan Drake ## Part XII: A Brand New Hobby While we were Solitude, I met a guy. Some elf who calls himself Auruem. Apparently, he got the idea to run a museum in Solitude filled with all kinds of...
GD: Skyrim Part XI
> Gamer Diaries > Skyrim > By Evan Drake ## Part XI: Forbidden Secrets Folgunthur. Where one of the amulet shards was supposed to be held or at least according to that book about legends and rumors. It could just as easily be a dead end, but it...
GD: Skyrim Part X
> Gamer Diaries > Skyrim > By Evan Drake ## Part X: Beneath Dimhollow I've never had a worse day. And it all was my fault. I knew leaving Morthal at night was a bad idea, but it wasn't long until daylight so I figured it would be okay. What I...
Yeah, sure, it´s your magical fantasy pokémon messing with us. maybe he doesn´t want us to find him. relax fruitcake. let´s just keep going. matthew... what? it´s really getting chilly now, i´m freezing. of course you are...
world of the elements part 3
When tarem noticed he was having trouble relaxing his mind he decided to give him a hint, "if your having trouble just imagine your standing in the middle of a magical fantasy lake, one of which you would only see in your dreams, now imagine it" he said
GD: Skyrim Part XXI
> Gamer Diaries > Skyrim > By Evan Drake ## Part XXI: Bookkeeper Fellglow Keep, the place a bunch of college dropouts called home, was just to the north so I figured why not take care of it now. It was a mistake. We didn't get far when a Dark...
GD: Skyrim Part XX
> Gamer Diaries > Skyrim > By Evan Drake ## Part XX: Dragonborn I have no idea where to even begin. This whole day has been a blur. I'm sitting in my new home, but it still feels like I'm back there again. Even as I'm writing this it doesn't feel...
GD: Skyrim Part XVII
> Gamer Diaries > Skyrim > By Evan Drake ## Part XVII: The Next Stage The trip to Ivarstead was uneventful, thankfully. It didn't take long to find Gunmar as he was outside a nearby cave fending off the biggest bear I had ever seen. One arrow at...
GD: Skyrim Part IX
> Gamer Diaries > Skyrim > By Evan Drake ## Part IX: The Dawnguard I'm beginning to think I'm just cursed. I came out of the Riverwood trader, once again with a pouch heavy with gold when an orc in strange armor came to me. I instantly readied...