Chapter 36: Aftermath
With her were her husband, children, brother, sisters, and her nephew, eddie tawny, who was one of marcus mccloud's best friends.
Chapter 29: Justice for Cerinia
Earlier today, wolf morrow met senator felicia tawny, whose niece felice was an unintended casualty in the abduction attempt of marcus mccloud."
Star Fox Reborn Chapter Two
After marcus mccloud's star fox team dissolved, there was no one to stop them.
Star Fox Dirty Command
With that thought echoing in his mind, fox hugged krystal tightly and fell into a deep sleep, dreaming of a wonderful life with krystal and their future son, marcus mccloud. this story was commissioned by vixentamer.
Chapter 27: Going Native
He let out a yelp and gazed down to see marcus mccloud with his teeth firmly clamped down upon his calf just below the knee. "argh! you little welp!" he shouted.
Chapter 21: Marcus
#21 of one mind, one heart, one soul the last few weeks of krystal's pregnancy lead to new experiences for the expectant parents, culminating in the birth of marcus mccloud.
Regret Chapter 4
(_reflections of a new generation, chapter 15; reflections of marcus mccloud, chapter 10 and 11_) the badger sat with his legs crossed and his walking cane resting perpendicular across his lap.
Pregnancy and Padding
It would prove to be an emotionally and physically exhausting night for kei when florence recruited the tod to be her nursing assistant for the birth of marcus mccloud.
Chapter 32: The Death of Fox McCloud
He reminded his audience of the abduction attempt of marcus mccloud, and that the pup's father had garnered many enemies during his star fox career, which was the main reason for the 'kill on sight' warning posted on the wall around the mccloud home
Chapter 26: Mental Discipline
It's been over five years since you got the placenta from the birth of marcus mccloud, and you still have not cracked the genetic code for telepathy! five fucking years!"