Part 13 - Afraid of Water

I had my job back, and that's what counted, i didn't care if i had to go swimming or mountain climbing or anything, just as long as i could pay my bills and stuff, that's what mattered to me.

The Fountain of Lamneth

"that wine is from the cask of '43, a fine year.," the mole said suddenly, the room was filled with crimson light and his memories, however cloudy they were started playing in front of him- his time in the valley, mountain-climbing, the dream of his mom and

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Tales of Torrnal: Chapter 6

Just like on the mountain climb, i tried to do what felt right and it failed. "mages pull, we guide" i muttered softly, before trying again. earth doesn't move, but earth can be moved i thought.

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Our Special Short Story

He also got him quite the deal for the plane trip, guide arrangements, and even taught him how to mountain climb. knowing what to pack, he went home to prepare.

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Field Research Entry 1: Losing It

Out of nowhere, i recalled that he was fond of mountain climbing, something his build suggested. he'd noticed my predicament now. i saw his nose twitching, and could only imagine the reaction that my scent was stirring in him.

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Believe – Chapter 22: Nott

He slept six times on the big mountain, climbing higher and higher and every waking hour he called out with his voice getting more and more husky. he did not know how much time had passed because the twilight was always the same.

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465 Campaign Notes

They quite literally have a fully organised thieves guild, with dues and regular meetings, which they run as if it was some sort of social club involving a shared and hazardous activity, like white-water kayaking or mountain-climbing, rather than the criminal

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Azure Phoenix, Chapter Six

"mountain climbing?" i asked, incredulous. "you want to go mountain climbing?!?" "no, silly," she laughed, shaking her head. "just a hike up the mountain we're parked next to.

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Ribbon - Chapter 9

He only wanted to see me smile, but i turned that simple task into a mountain climb. he only wanted to see me laugh, but i turned that ambition into a hazy dream. he cared more about me than anybody ever had, and i...

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Heat at 10,000 Feet

A red dragoness goes mountain climbing, and ends up getting so much more. the first story i've posted here.

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The Snowy Gnoll

Riska could only imagine the amount of mountain climbing, trail blazing, and digging through snow she had to have done to give herself such a heavy workout in just a few months.

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One Little Game

They rose skyward like mountains. climbing them would be a challenge let alone rolling them. "i don't suppose a smaller set of dice appear at this point?" he asked hopefully and nothing happened. "huh wow..." calex sighed.

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