Doctor_Whooves adventures: Episode 1: Wrong place
The doctor said as he pulled out his sonic screwdriver. just as he was about to press the button to activate it, he dropped it. "oh dear." the doctor said. "what ever's the matter doctor?" the princess asked. "i can't seem to hold my sonic screwdriver."
A Timelord's Beginnings: Terry's Adventure Part 5
He pointed his sonic screwdriver at one of the terminals on the wall and immediately brought up the security footage.
Doctor Who and the Gift of Anubis pt 1
Nodding, the doctor pulled out the sonic screwdriver and started to do a scan for alien tech. by the south window, there were claw marks on the wall. "blimey! that's nasty-looking. i wonder what she looks like." he muttered to himself.
The New Companion (Chapter 2)
"don't talk about the sonic screwdriver that way! it clearly says that you had wings. i can even see it here; your shoulders are too broad to show that you _didn't_ have something protruding from them."
Dr. Whooves: Chapter 6: The Insignificance of Light
The doctor whipped out his sonic screwdriver, attempting to get it to stop. despite his efforts the tardis faded from sight. the doctor looked around him, pointing the sonic in several directions before looking at the reading.
Dr. Whooves: Chapter 2 : Town of the grey
He quieted as he heard footsteps, the dog with his sonic screwdriver walked into view holding it in his paw and the other one ran up on all fours tongue hanging from his mouth.
The 10th Doctor Turns Furry
So i did the natural thing, i pulled out my sonic screwdriver and started scanning it. next thing you know, i've got a tail! and cat ears! so i was thinking, what the heck just happened! and what do you now next? i've grown fur!
Dr. Whooves: Chapter 5: So This Is A Game?
Discord grabbed the sonic screwdriver from somewhere, seemingly unharmed, and tossed it at the doctor's hooves. " i know you... doctor: a word for healer... you pervert the name.
Amok Time Lord, Part 1
But he kept moving his hand, across the thrusting hips until he found the pocket with the sonic screwdriver inside it.
Dr. Whooves: Chapter 7: A Thrall to Darkness
There were no guards to be seen so he pulled out his sonic screwdriver and tried it out on the door. the hum of the sonic woke celestia from her sleep. she watched the doctor as he found the right settings, the cell door springing open.
A Timelord's Beginnings: Terry's Adventure Part 4
Arsen fiddled a bit with his sonic screwdriver before terry narrowed his eyes. "how... are they still alive if they are dead?" arsen playfully bounced his sonic screwdriver off of terry's nose before he cleared his throat.
A Timelord's Beginnings: Terry's Adventure Part 2
Just as the man lifted his sword up, arsen activated his sonic screwdriver and pointed it at the sword which caused the metal to vibrate at a painfully high speed to the point the man was no longer able to hold on to it.