Master of Aura Chapter Twenty-Seven

If he stayed in it all the time, it was probably what had made him attract team flare's attention and got his gem stolen. it was pressed tightly around his neck right now, a chain collar holding it tight on his chest.

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Team Violet 3: Questions

"team flare?" he snorted. "if it was flare you would have heard about it by now, considering how those flashy bastards operate." "that doesn't help us," i glared at him. "that means we know less. have you been interrogating them?"

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Master of Aura Chapter Seventeen

Being that team flare knows you're able to become a mega, we'll see more of them soon."

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New Purpose in Life

Clearly things had gone sideways, and even though the team flare grunts hadn't posed much of a challenge, they \*had\* done a good job of separating shauna from her friends.

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Stralia - Notes, Times, Places

Length: digital copy only, 7.5 a4 pages soundtrack: pokemon x-y team flare, team flare boss, legendary themes_ --- 'they are taking our work and starving our families! murderers! we will kill you!'

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Professor Oak's Assistant

Soon enough i witnessed the abomination's destruction when zygarde was formed once more and completely defeated the abomination sending the leader of team flare plummeting to the ground, where he presumably had died.

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Don’t wear short skirt

He was a pale man, who had orange, oddly-cut hair, resembling the team flare symbol, with a goatee.

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Chapter 1: A New Life Starts Now!

We are the team who took down team flare! we save klaos, we save the pokémon world! so, so what if we lost to your brother ying, so what! we are a strong team, we will fight on! so do not give up!

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Chapter 6: Did you seriously retcon the events of the previous chapters?

Most notably the fallen neo team plasma, and the extinguished team flare. their goal is to claim al of the fire type pokémon in the world, and incinerate everyone, along with the whole planet.

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He Who was trapped

"i fought against team flare once, and watched as my team fell one by one to their pokémon and i was powerless to stop them," he explained.

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The Beginning of the End

It took me about half a day to reach the harbor town the team flare member had told me i would be able to find the carrier at. all the while, umbra was telling me the story behind the curse.

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Pokémon Twentieth Anniversary Retrospective (Updated)

team flare is essentially fashion nazis, and while they do have whom is arguably my second favorite villainous leader lysandre, he doesn't make up for how under-developed the group is, even if he has the most character development out of anyone in x and y.

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