Lab Lizard

Wanted: Young adult to serve as assistant to brilliant biologist. Must be willing to clean, work unusual hours, and give it all to science. Inquiries will be accepted at or call ###-###-#### I read over the ad a few times...

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Dancing Lizard

Lizzie the lizard, walked into the backroom, where his client was waiting for him. the rooms were all in shades of red, purple and pink.

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The Lizard and The Werewolf

As you caress the lizard in your arms, you allow your fingernails and toenails to extend into sharp claws that you take care not to scratch her with, even as she refrains from doing the same with her own.

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Draining the Lizard

He realised now he'd do anything for the lizard, so long as he were to bark an order and snap his fingers.

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Dimension 67 Volume 1 Synopsis WIP

A badass anthro lizard roughs up a wanted thug vandal in a local billiard hall, with psychic ability, martial art like moves, & his switchblade, all without touching his laser revolver. He carves the name of the place he vandalized into the vandal's...

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An Ever-Churning Ache

Note: First story so please forgive me for the lack of linebreaks and any other mistakes. I'm having some techincal issues. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ "Hey! Wake up sleepy head!" ...

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The Basics of Roger Draco's Bio

He is the most talented Queller & a great artist. A Queller is a vigilante justice seeker, who protect the local historic structures & places from vandals, & keep bigots in line. They are hired by Retro & Judge Artwyn, & must have a burning passion for...


The Scarlet (Lizard) Lady

He snarled again, ready to open his eyes now, but the lizard hissed softly. he ceased his struggles and hissed back in a tone that matched the lizard's high tone and femininity.

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Tyrant Lizard Caged

Tyrant Lizard Caged For Dre By Draconicon When he had found the serum online, he'd been skeptical, but Reuben knew better than to pass it up. The chance of becoming more of a 'real' T-Rex compared to his current state was too irresistible,...

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A Worn Down Lizard

Focused on writing a letter of complaint to the current commander of the mercenary forces, Shekhar was apparently oblivious to everything around him. The scratching of his quill against the parchment stopped long enough only for him to dip it in the...

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A Story With A Male Lizard

If you read the preface of my last story (A Story With A Lizard) you'll get the gist of this. No "plot", just sex0rs. This story may require some knowledge of the general furry consensus on anthro-reptile anatomy, since it is in fact based wholly...

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