Day One

Day One There was a long dark narrow hallway stretching along one's own view. It was a cold hallway with the very little light peaking in. This hallway had been used to clear top level men under the circumstances of hostile war. It hadn't been...

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immortal 4

The world we observed was shifting every day. The balance of power was in the fate of a few. It was also a more simple time. Less action was being taken. They seemed to be more focused on breaking the system. Veemon, Patamon and I watched...

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Immortal The day of change had at long last arrived. It was finally starting to cycle back to beginning. Now so much more was fixed. There was now a since of pride. One thing had come...

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Immortal 3

A gathering like no other was occurring right now. All the creatures of the world seemed to gather on the several rumors of the memory problem being so severe. Even Dorumon and Monmon had returned. Gatomon was on the high roof next to Impmon...

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fox family 7: friendship devides

Fox Family 7: Friendship Divides It was dawn the sun was setting. Seeing from inside of a helicopter was a first for Felix. He was given an army uniform before he was brought here. There were going to a special training base. The animals they stood...

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Fox Family Six: Parent teacher night

Fox family 6: Parent Teacher Night A week had passed by with Dizzy as principle. Within that week alone students had been talking about the wild changes that had been made. Of course in light of this it got parents really upset and angry. They saw...

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Fox Family 5: Transfer student

Fox Family 5: Transfer student It was Dizzies third day as Principle. The students came a little more prepared for this more open system. And of course Dizzy had another plan...

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Fox Family 4: The Rebellion Begins

Fox Family 4: The Rebellion Begins Felix got up earlier than his brother Greg. Felix usually never woke up before Greg. Felix looked over to his guitar and as he lifted up his...

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Fox Family 3

Fox Family episode 3 Alex was they most popular cat in school which was something to brag about. What made him so popular among the others was that he dated the most beautiful feline...

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Fox Family Episode one

Xion Fox- Metal fanatic, depressed liver, women issues Greg Fox- Ultimate male model, porn star, addicted to sex Salina Fox (Lady Fox, mom) James Fox (Dad, Mister. Fox) Xion sat in his basement staring at his guitar....


Dead Weight

Dead Weight Tails was drying cloths while Cutemon sat there staring at the chess board. Tails said, "You're going to have to move eventually." (Manic stares down into the pit seeing Cutemon and Tails. He hands his gun to Espio and picks him up.)...

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Live Bait

Tails sat on a folding chair blankly starring ahead as a walker started to come at him. The walker headed right into the fire and tripped over the wood. The walker still came at him and he did nothing but sit there. Espio came out and shot it. Tails...

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