A Matter of Species

**A Matter of Species** Spring; a time for budding flowers to reveal their colours, for birds to welcome the morning sun earlier every day with grateful song. A time for winter's dreary gloom to vanish from the sky, giving way to light warm rains...

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Coaxial (part 2)

**Coaxial** **By Arcane Reno** Darkness and cold enveloped me, somewhere between reality and nightmare. Was I dead? I was blind, deaf, dumb. My whole body trembled, and no force of will could make it stop. I couldn't die yet. I had too much left...

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Coaxial (part 1)

**Coaxial** **By Arcane Reno** **The club was packed tonight.** Elbows and shoulders jostled me from every side as I moved through the crowd, aiming for the bar. Pulsing dance music joined the chatter of hundreds of voices to create a virtual haze...

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Breath of the Sea

_Author's Note: Well, been some time between postings. Not going to re-iterate what was in my journal, so not a whole lot to say about this piece. This was my entry for round 2 of AGNPH's FETEP contest, which, I'm happy to say, manage...

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Dimensional Balance Chapter 19: Sharing

_Author's note: Phew... it's finally here. Originally, I had planned for this to merely be the second half of chapter 18, but it simply refused to stop growing, and has now evolved into its own chapter, and the longest single...

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Writing Tips vol. 2

**More Tips For Aspiring Writers** It's been awhile since my first Writing Tips went out, and I think it's time for another edition, adding in things I've learned since then. Hope this'll help some people...

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Strange Fruit

_Author's note: Well, at long last, this has seen the light of day. This is the final result of a commission I've been working on for the past few month's for a certain Nicobay. Approximately 45k total wordcount, so yup, it's going to be a long one. As...

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Strange Fruit 3

_Author's Note: As the title says, this is part 3 of the commission for Nicobay. That's about it. Enjoy. :P_ _Pokemon = Nintendo. All others = Nicobay._ Strange Fruit Part 3 (A Nicobay Adventure) "Guess your dragon friend isn't the...

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Strange Fruit 2

_Author's note: Chapter two of the Nicobay commish. Enjoy. _ _Pokemon = Nintendo. All other characters = Nicobay_ Strange Fruit (A Nicobay Adventure) A short distance off in the now thoroughly disturbed woodlands, a black pair of...

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Mew's Return

_MD- This is a little side project Guri and I have thrown together, largely due to the mutual agreement that Mew is a very fun character to write with. His idea, my characters, joint prose. Hope you all enjoy._ _Guri- Reader Notes: This story is...

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Truth or Dare

_Author's note: So, this here be my entry for the february contest on AGNPH. It was meant to come out in time for Valentines day, but that didn't quite work out as planned, unfortunately. Still, I think the extra time taken on it has made it a stronger...

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Dimensional Balance Chapter 15: A Matter of Trust

_Author's Note: Ah, well now. This was an... interesting one. It turned out to be FAR longer than expected, and as an added bonus, is charged with emotion. Turmoil and strife and romance FTW! I'm really, really pleased...

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