The Rich and The Poor Part 10

(Yuuta's view) I couldn't feel a single thing throughout my whole body or perhaps it was tingling and shaking so much it went numb. I almost figured that maybe my eardrums had also went numb and deaf as I think only my mind was telling me what I...

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The Rich and The Poor Part 9

(Castiel's view) I-I can't believe what I've done. I just walked over to Yuuta's locker with my letter in hand and placed it on top of his books. It was almost routine as if no difference as usual in appearance but my aching heart was...

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The Rich and The Poor Part 7

(Castiel's view) I hate to admit it but I felt so weak and helpless right now. This isn't how I expected my first break up to be...hell I didn't expect it from Rosaline of all people! I can't what a little monster like her said to me! I-is it really...

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The Rich and The Poor Part 8

(Castiel's View) Days flew by after the incident and...reassurance at Yuuta's castle. I remember the moment after the kiss, the feel of his warm and steady breath against my face and the warmth and comfort of his fur. How his orange and healthy fur...

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The Rich and The Poor Part 6

(Yuuta's view) The weight of the world seemed to drop down on my back as I heard Castiel's word. He-He's dating a girl?! W-Why now?! Why not later when I prove that I'm not in love with him?! This couldn't have happened at a worse time! My tail...

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A New World Part 5

A New World Part 5 (Collin's view) "My chief! Tiran the Terror has been spotted in the wilderness north of here! What are your orders?!" A leopard warrior came towards a human agent. The agent looked down at the leopard before grinning to...

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A New World Part 3

(Collin's view) I hear something....its chest feels tight. I feel this heat in the back of neck. My right hand clenches tight onto something weirdly shaped. My vision is blurred at first before I see...stairs...o-oh god no...don't make me...

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The Scent of a Lover Part 10

**Part 10 is here! Rejoice! Remember that prediction I made in Part 5 that there would be 10 parts? Well it turns out I was nowhere near that number. I think there might be 15 at this rate. Anyway thank you all for all the faves, watches, and votes! I...

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Public Enemies: An Interesting Group

**Thank you all for reading my stories! Sadly to say this will be my last upload before school offically starts :( But don't worry I plan to continue writing on my own time and I will post a new story every week or so. This part of the will mostly...

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Public Enemies: I'm Sorry.........

**Hello guys! Sorry I haven't been really writing much......well at least not on my stories.....for those who don't know** **I have a ton of research papers I'm working on in a class and I've been pretty busy with it. As you can see I have decided to...

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Public Enemies: A Life of Regret

**Hello Everybody!** **Welcome to the next part of my Public Enemies series! In the last part Tom was killed by a cop ambush and everyone took it very hard especially Nicky who admitted they were actaully in love! But will Tom be the only one dying in...

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Public Enemies: Bye Bye Tommy

**Hey Guys! I warned you that my stories won't come as quickly. I know its been awhile since my last post but hopefully this will make up for lost time. So Ralph and Jamie are reunited but will it last? In this part drama flies and new secrets are...

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