What Universe Am I In??? Chapter 5: New Discovery.
Hey readers! Here is chapter 5. It is a bit longer than the others, but i hope you enjoy! I do nt own Star Trek, or any of its people, characters, planets etc. But I do own my own characters. So do not use without my permission. Adults content. 18+...
What Universe Am I In??? Chapter 4: Nature's Angels.
Chapter 4 Constructive criticism always welcomed! I do not own Start Trek, or its planets, people, or characters. I do however own my characters, so do not use without my permission. Or else... :-p Warning! 18+ only! I slowly walked back to...
What Universe Am I In??? Chapter 3: Love, Sex, and a Gun Battle.
Here is the Third Chapter! I posted it sooner than i thought i would. I apparently caught a cold at work, and am a bit under the weather, so I had to cancel my Friday plans, so I had the time to finish. Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy the story! I do not...
What Universe Am I In??? Chapter 2: Getting to Know Each Other Better
Here is Chapter 2! I do not own Star Trek, or any of its planets, characters, or people. I do own my characters however, so do not use them without my permission. Warning! This story contains yiff! 18+ only! Chapter 2: The tour was not very...
What Universe Am I In??? Chapter 1: Confusion
Here Is Chapter 1 of my new series. If you haven't read the intro yet, please do. It will explain a few things you would otherwise miss. I also am going to write chapter one and on in first person, i personally like writing in it better. Its from the...
What Universe am I In??? Chapter: 0 (intro)
My new story! Constructive criticism welcomed! No yiff yet. Just give me a chapter or two to start things off before i can get to the yiff. Disclamer: I do not own the Star Trek franchise, or any of the TV or movie characters. But i do own my...
Cleric and Mercenary 2
Garret paid little attention to the comings and goings of the caravan for the next few days. Goytiar was back to his gruff and aloof self, but still checked in with Garret every once and awhile as he did with others. Some may be miffed at the distance...
Cleric and Mercenary
Garret found himself under the scrutinizing gaze of the mercenary in charge of the small cadre of caravan guards. He stared right back waiting for the massive, towering and dark skinned orc to say something. Anything. Instead the huge orc towered over...
When it Rains it Pours, and other updates.
I have had a \*terrible\* week and I'm so over it. It's been brutal but it's over and things are calming down. Anyway, not here to bitch, so updates: got a new chapter slated to be Ready Wednesday and one each week after. Schools wrapping up and works...
Looking For Love: Chapter 3 (edit)
Hey, y'all! Sorry this chapter took so long to get here. Both time and creativity have been sparse and I haven't had time to really get a handle on how I wanted to proceed with the next few chapters. I apreciate the comments and feed back I have gotten...
War on the Home Front: Chapter 1: Invasion
Hey y'all! The first chapter of my new series. Takes place one year after Small Town Sheriff. Still follows Dan and his boyfriend Zack. It picks up right after the sneak peak on the last chapter of STS. Intro: A bomb goes off in D.C. The whole city is...
Small Town Sheriff, Big Problems: Chapter 5: Showdown
This is the last chapter of this series, plus a sneak peak of the next series in my trilogy about Dan O'Bern and friends. There is yiff in this chapter, so adults only. Comments and votes are welcome, and i hope you enjoy it! Chapter...